To far to carry a tree stand?


New member
Sep 3, 2017
How far is to far to carry a tree stand in?

I have Gorilla hang on tree stand that weights about 15# (Just weighed it). I\'m guessing the steps (twist in kind, yuk) will add another 5 - 10#.

Depending on what I find this summer, I may want to take it in for mid day setups over water holes and such.
I\'d suggest taking in your stand/steps a couple of weeks before season and put up stand. Then, take down climbing sticks/screw in steps. If you have to move during the season, it\'d be easier and likely a shorter haul. If you\'re trying to pack it all in opening weekend with gear and food, I\'d leave a day earlier! :)

Too bad few of our high country trees in CO afford the use of a climbing treestand or that\'d be the way to go.

Don\'t forget your safety harness!
One of my spots is 3/4 mile hike uphill that gains 700ft in elevation.

I would seriously consider a stand location that will not be moved when going that far.
By the time you select a tree, mount the stand, clear shooting lanes, you will be wondering if your decision was the correct one.
Its a TON of work.

Then you need to decide if thats the spot you are going to commit MANY hours...

The view can be great, but remember it does not change.... :)

I would pack a tree stand in farther than I would attempt to pack out an elk. Packing in a tree stand is no issue with me.
\"Swede\" said:
I would pack a tree stand in farther than I would attempt to pack out an elk. Packing in a tree stand is no issue with me.

Would it be safe to say you wouldn\'t pack in a stand any farther than you want to take out an elk?
I hang my stands two weeks before season opens. It takes a full weekend to hang several stands if the site has not been previously prepped. Considering I have multiple stand options, I don\'t plan to move the stands once they are on location, for me this means I am willing to carry them in as far as it takes to feel confident about the spot. So yes, I agree with you Still Hunter, don\'t carry them in farther than you plan to pack out an elk. The same issue remains when taking them out, it takes a couple of days to get multiple stands and cameras down. I generally start doing this the last week of the season as we have put out as many as 7 stands and 7 cameras. We hunt (like Swede) in an area that has a decent road system, the farthest I have had to carry one in is a little more than a mile. Its a heavy load going in and then packing out by the time you account for the stand, tree steps, rope, camera, hand saw for prepping the tree, etc. But not nearly as heavy as packing a hind quarter.
\"Still Hunter\" said:
Would it be safe to say you wouldn\'t pack in a stand any farther than you want to take out an elk?

I guess that is true too in practice. :D At least theoretically I would be willing to pack a 25 pound load farther that a 75 pound one. But that is only in theory in this case.

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