Top Rut


Jul 10, 2017
Want to give cnelk a shout out for telling me about this site and figured I'd share it with you all. Check out when you get a chance. They have a ton of different overlays for Google Earth. You simply give them what specific hunting unit you want the overlays for and they will create a download specifically for you. I finally got on there to check it out today and it's awesome! Definitely a helpful tool when you are doing your desk scouting.
I'm a newbie, so I'll be stupid...

Where's the catch? After a quick look, TopRut appears helpful, but where is the monification? It's hard to believe anyone is making draw info available like that for free.
MOmanJ said:
I'm a newbie, so I'll be stupid...

Where's the catch? After a quick look, TopRut appears helpful, but where is the monification? It's hard to believe anyone is making draw info available like that for free.

Yeah, free at least for now. Maybe someday they will start charging or start advertising to make some money, but who knows. For now, might as well take advantage of it!
Not being from the west, I think it would be really helpful for them to add a short description of the unit ie terrain or expectations. Something to compare to google earth.  But all in all it?s an awesome free website for data.
Sweetmeat said:
Not being from the west, I think it would be really helpful for them to add a short description of the unit ie terrain or expectations. Something to compare to google earth.  But all in all it?s an awesome free website for data.

They have a map feature when you click on unit. You can use satellite view and look over the terrain yourself. Or, download the KML file for the unit you're looking for and do your own research on terrain, etc.

Expectations can be based off draw & kill odds that are provided in the graphs for each unit, broken down by season.

Or... go a step further and pay for a membership with GoHunt. You'll get your description, odds, etc.
I use On X mostly for map overlays, and I?ve dug into the statistics a bunch, they?re great on toprut. I  guess what i meant was something as simple as ?mostly steep alpine terrain with a highly dispersed elk numbers.?  A bit off topic, but what I?ve found to be the toughest when digging into statistics for a unit is lack of a real life comparison.  I?ve made spreadsheets and graphs with herd numbers and hunter stats, but I?m struggling to really know the difference between what?s good or misleading.  How to really put the numbers I?ve gathered to use. 

What is it youre really trying to pinpoint? The exact meadow where elk are being killed?
Good to know. Especially for those of us hunting new states. I appreciate the info!
That would be nice if we could pinpoint that from a computer.  Last year was my first year out, and it was a little bit overwhelming.  Just trying to learn as much as I can now to help myself out in September.  Cohunter14 thanks for showing me those guides! Those are exactly what I was looking for. 
TopRut recently added a Fire layer. Shows where forest fires have burned

If you already have a hunt unit installed, you will need to delete it and re-install the unit for the fire layer to show up
cnelk said:
TopRut recently added a Fire layer. Shows where forest fires have burned

If you already have a hunt unit installed, you will need to delete it and re-install the unit for the fire layer to show up

:upthumb: :upthumb:

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