So for all you experienced trail cam guys, here is my question. What would be the maximum distance from the camera that I could expect for the motion sensor to activate the shutter. (I have Stealthcam)
Bill, kinda depends on how old/new it is. Newer ones advertise a further distance. I think Brad\'s estimate is on the conservative side based on the 2 I purchased last year. I think they both had 60\' as the range. Again, that\'s likely during a sunny/ideal conditions kind of day. Have had my Wildgame Innovations in my back yard trying to get deer at night. Our daytime pics are triggered over 30 ft away but not night ones.
One thing to keep in mind is the further away from the trail or subject the more likelihood of a swaying branch or grass to trigger it and make going through the SD card painful.
I have also had them take pics at 60+ feet with my cams, and they aren\'t anything fancy. I would say 40 feet is pretty easy and 60 is probably a decent expectation IMO.
I think is great that trail cams get the longer distacne pics, but as we all know, there are LOTS of pics on our trail cams that have NOTHING on them.
That why I said 30ft is the reliable distance, at least thats what I have discovered.
Sure I have pics out to 20+ yards too but I also have lots of pics that have nothing on then which IMO was a failed capture due to a longer distance