Trail cameras for preseason elk


New member
Sep 3, 2017
I\'m having a hard trying to figure out if placing trail cameras in my new area in early July will be worth the effort.

I mean, they weight a ton (Actually older Moultrie, with the 6 V batteries). From past experience I think I can get about 6 weeks of life out of an alkaline battery. This works out great, as I plan on a follow up trip early to mid August to check the area anyway.

Since elk are not really predictable, how does one determine where to put these darned things?

I have 2 cameras. They both take AA batteries.
Thats the ONLY kind of cam I will have.
I put mine out last year mid June nad the batteries lasted all summer into September.

One place I put one was on the edge of a clearing.
Nothing for trails or anything.

WOW - I was surprised to see what came thru!!!

You\'re a hunter, you\'ll know where to put them... :)

I have 6 cameras. Two are the old Moutrie 6v ones and the battery life sucked. I checked on Ebay to see if they were worth selling. I saw 2 like mine for .99$ and 10$ shipping. They didn\'t even get a bid. I plan to use them as dummy cams along my property lines where I know other hunters can see them. My hope is to let them know they are being watched and make them think twice about tresspassing. My others are Wildgame cams one 7mp camo I paid 100$ for. It uses 8aa batteries is small and the batteries last a long time. I liked them so much I picked up 2 more Wildgames in a 3mp for 40$ each. I plan to take them if I make a scouting trip this summer and leave them till season.
Thanks all.

So if I were to look for one or two new cameras, what would be minimum specs?

Some have the temp, moon phase, time, etc.

What about resolution, video (Do I need HD?) and battery type?
Watch Camofire for some camera deals.
Most of them have different settings for resolution and video.
Research the SD card capacity on the cameras.
I use a 2G SD card in my cameras and it is plenty for the pics I get.

I have an old digital regular camera that takes the same SD cards and use that to view pics when I go check on the camera
My exp. has been that cams are fun but I\'ve yet to have one help me with any aspect of my elk hunt except eliminating a water hole or two.

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