tree stands


New member
Mar 2, 2014
got a couple questions about tree stand hunting for elk. first off is, i dont really wanna go thru the expense an work of gettin them an hanging them only to get there an have somebody else sitting in it. i realize just moving on is the answer, but that ever happened to anyone. i personally would not get in somebody elses stand, or immedieatly get out if they showed up. but wondering. second thing is, i have a huge trail, an a small bench fairly close to each other. which should i hang my stand on. im leaning towards the bench thinking more trails an elk would lead into it, but the big trail doesnt seems to head up the mnt an not towards the bench. so its one or the other but they are to close to hang two stands, like 200 yds.
What is the wind like there?
All will not matter if you dont have good wind.
You may be only to sit in the stand certain times of the day.
i honestly dont know what the prevailing winds are. it goes up a few hundred feet, then small bench. to the west an east is steep but doesnt get much higher, but to the north there is another rise. south is all down. so its kinda like a t shape. in deer hunting we can get above the wind, hence the tree stands, will that no work in the mnts with the diff thermals
There were several questions and none have a cut and dried answer. As far as tree stand etiquette is concerned, the tree stand is your personal property. If you don\'t want to allow someone to sit in it , that is your right. That said, I usually don\'t make a issue of it when I find someone in mine. They have every right to hunt the same place and obviously are there when you arrive, so fussing over the stand just tells them how much you want to be there. I just wish them good luck and move on.
Which location is the best place to hang a stand? Answer: Which shows the most sign of elk activity?
You can avoid a lot of the wind problems by going up higher in a tree. I commonly go up 25 feet or more. For me 20 feet up is fairly low. I have been busted by a down draft from 27 feet up, but a lot less than I was at 12 feet above ground level. Where I hunt the wind shifts, and blows from several directions nearly every day. If the wind just blew from one direction, I could place my stand lower and stay down wind. I might even use a ground blind. It is mostly because of the ever changing wind, that I climb up high. When the wind is going down slope, often it does not get to the ground level for a long way, when I am up higher. It may also help to avoid being seen to go higher.
Of coarse Brad is dealing with a different situation. He is hunting an area where the tallest tree is only 15 feet tall. To get up 25 feet he would need to import some quality lumber and erect a tower. :D
See, you guys are way braver than I am.

(This is only backed by my whitetail hunting experience)
I put in too many hours of scouting to have it ruined by someone finding my tree stand.
I have see it happen to too many good people and I just don\'t want it.
That is why I always use climbers. I find my spots, cut do my lanes, tidy up my tree, and then when it comes to hunting time, I carry it in with me.
If I am on a week long or hunt and I know there is no pressure, then I will leave it out there (just for that week). If it\'s jam packed with people though, I am roughing it ever time with the climber on my back. It sounds counter-productive, but I cant tell you how many spots I have had people walk right by because they didn\'t see my stand. I also know people who instead of scouting areas, they will just go searching for tree stands and use that spot! :x

That is just what I do. Again, lot of people don\'t agree with me because that\'s extra weight you have to carry in every time.
It just works for me, I have been very successful because of it, and I will continue until I can afford my private land. :clap:
a climber is a good way to go. the trees where i hunt will not allow for a climber,an honestly may not allow for any treestands because of pine beetles. i will have to be very selective if its even possible.
You guys are more easy going than I am. I\'ve never used a tree stand, but if I did, and had one setup in a tree. Whoever was sitting in it when I got there would have to get out of it, or we\'d be rolling in the mud about it. They have every right to hunt the area. They don\'t have a right to do it in my stand.
\"Still Hunter\" said:
You guys are more easy going than I am. I\'ve never used a tree stand, but if I did, and had one setup in a tree. Whoever was sitting in it when I got there would have to get out of it, or we\'d be rolling in the mud about it.
Still Hunter: I understand the feeling, but you just made an enemy and told him that place is worth fighting for. Where I hunt your tires could be slashed when you get back, and you could have problems there forever.
Yes, I know, but my kneejerk reaction would be to get him out of my stand.

After I asked him nicely to get out of it of course. :D