Trying to Get My Bearings

New York Newbie

New member
Feb 2, 2015
Ever since i picked up a bow I've been dreaming about taking a DIY archery elk hunt in Colorado. Also i realize most of what i need to know is probably on this forum somewhere already. I figure you all don't mind talking about it some more tho. Ive been upgradingmy equipment through out past year to get a head start on the prep for this hunt. Most of you guys on here have experience in the field and thats what it takes to truly know what you'll need out there. It'd be nice if you all could shoot me some info on whatever knowledge you may have. Boots, clothing, packs, calls, comfort supplies, food to bring, areas to hunt. etc

Welcome to ELK101!

#1 Get subscribed to Extreme ELK Magazine  (that will get you started in the right direction)
#2 Get your legs and cardiovascular system tuned up.
#3 Know your weapon well and practice often for accuracy.

Good Luck ----->

I agree!  Also, a great pair of boots that are ready for the field. Nothing ends a hunt sooner than bad feet.
A pack that fits and can be worn all day with type (day/bivy/week long) in mind.
A clothing SYSTEMbecause your likely to encounter all kinds of weather at higher elevations, think Sitka/KUIU or something similar.
Food that you've tried and know agrees with your body...
Lots of scouting --> contact local biologists, google earth, landowner maps,etc.

Hope this helps.
Find yourself a partner that you can depend on, preferably one with experience who shares your goals and is compatible with you.  good luck, half the adventure is the planning and anticipation. 
Lots of heart and planning, these guys are right on the mark educate yourself and work out like its a new religion shop and pick and choose your gear. get the best you can afford break in those boots !
Find a good drop camp, you've got to get away from other hunters. Lots of options out there and check their references.

Agree with all that's been said so far. Boots and Packs most important.  The only thing I might add is buy Corey Jacobsen's University of Elk Hunting DVD from this site.  This will increase your odds of success.  I'm sure you'll have a successful mountain experience without any help.  This DVD just gives you an edge to actually killing something.  Good luck!
You can have the best gear in the world, but your body is what will get you into elk country and the ability to pack one out on your back. Get in shape, really good shape. Sea level in NY to treeline in CO will be an enormous shock to the body.  Get strong and get fit!  Lots of good info on technical gear on this site.  Good luck!

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