Turkey season

Ol' Arky

New member
Apr 24, 2014
How many of ya\'ll have your turkey season already open or it will be opening soon?????

Ours opens Monday...
youth season in mo tomorrow, but my son doesnt wanna hunt. reg season opens the 17th
My archery season starts next Wed here in MN. Heading to Kansas the 17th and hunt them for a few days and then I\'ll head to Wisc May 9th for a week.

Saw two nice toms taking care of a hen this morning. ;) Can\'t stand it I\'m ready to go now. :lol:
Spent Saturday and Sunday morning chasing turkeys in the mountains. Talk about some great training for elk hunting! Man, those things have great vision and can sneak through the woods so quietly. Long story short, I didn\'t punch my tag yet. Was inside of 20 yards multiple times, but never got a clear shot. At one point I had six different toms within 60 yards but couldn\'t get to where I had a comfortable shot at them. Part of me didn\'t want to punch my tag yet anyway...I\'d hate to not be able to get back out and do that again!
Snuck out again yesterday morning. Not near as much action this time. Hoping to get out again Wednesday morning. Did find the first shed of the year though! It had obviously been there for awhile...
Got out again this morning. Here are a couple \'shots\' I got with the phone of some hens. Had them waiting 10 yards but no Tom with them unfortunately.
Had some good luck this AM.
2 toms and 2 jakes came in around 7:00 AM in a light drizzle. The toms were the regular garden variety 2 years olds, however, the 2 jakes had some unusual wing color and I opted to take one of them. I\'ve never seen wing colors like this on a bird here in WI. We only have the Eastern variety around these parts.
