Two years in a row my plans changed two days before the seas

Lark Bunting

New member
Sep 14, 2016
Last year, ugh, two nights prior to leaving circumstances prevented the person I was supposed to hunt with for 9 days. I made it 5 solo.

My son came home today with another migraine. He was in the ER yesterday with one. He now doesn\'t want to risk being in the woods and have it happen. Sucks.

So, I am heading up solo again. Since he won\'t be with me I don\'t have to be home Sunday. Since I am not working I don\'t have to be back anytime soon.

I figure I\'ll be in the woods until Wednesday or Thursday unless I fill the tag. I have 2 cameras up there, two more packed and ready to go to put out.

I\'m hoping I can just get it done this year. Tired of coming home empty handed.
Lark, stay positive and find a way to make it happen. I would also encourage your son to give it a go. The fresh air could be good for him and relax him a bit, take his mind off the migraines. If he gets one, then oh well. There\'s worse places to have a migraine than in the mountains. Just make sure you hunt with him if he goes. Good luck either are due for a good year!
Tough break, but I don\'t blame your son ... migraines, particularly in the young, are miserable.

Let go of that. Let go of the last three years. Let go of anything except being there.

And then it\'ll all come back. Or not.

I\'m tired of coming home empty, too ... archery has been tough for me. Yet I seem to mind less, and enjoy it more, every year.
lark, I had struggled with that for the last several years. I gauged my success on filling my tag....
john is totally correct! let it go..... I have met enough people, that only dream going elk hunting, to realize that I am one lucky sob that can actually get to hunt them. that helps put things into perspective....
my new partner was one of those guys. now hes happy as a clam that he is finally able to make that dream come true this year!
luckily I have other partners to help put things into the proper perspective ;)
so..... just enjoy the hunt! there are many that cant even go.
As the others have stated, take a step back and enjoy the moment. Sounds like you have lots on your mind and this trip should help you unwind and enjoy the outdoors.

Good luck, have fun

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