units 17 or 171 colorado


New member
Sep 30, 2017
well time to get excited for rifle hunting being that I didn't tag out archery season.  I've only hunted unit 161 north of walden, onion park and independence mtn in particular, always bumped elk or spooked them, never downed one.  what is everyone's opinions of 17 or 171? I understand these are public, otc units, so I'm guessing they're both a sea of orange, but I'll just have to deal with that. not after a big bull necessarily , a cow would be great. just wanna get out and set up the new wall tent!! thank you for any info or advice in advance!
I haven't hunted that area so no help there, but I did want to mention a couple of things: first, keep in mind that OTC rifle tags are bull only. They are also List A tags, so if you already hunted archery with an OTC either sex tag, you won't be able to get another List A tag. Not sure if you've already thought that out or not, but figured I'd throw it out there just in case!

If you do need a List B tag for rifle season, you'll have to look at the leftover list.
sorry I was vague...yes I can only get a class b license...everyone else I'm going with can get a otc and leftover
Right now it looks like you could get a leftover cow tag for third season in that area, so you should be good as far as that goes. Maybe someone will chime in with some additional help or a private message on specifics for the unit. With it being third season in an over-the-counter unit, I would look for areas that area at least 1/2 mile from roads or have something making access to the area difficult, like a creek crossing or a steep hill climb or decent. The steeper and nastier an area, the better. The elk will have been hunted pretty heavily by then so you'll have to do some work to find them. I would also have different plans based on what the weather has done or will do during the hunt. Third season can provide 60 degree weather or snow that is measured in feet, sometimes in the same 24 hour period.

Best of luck and let us know if any other questions come up. Give us a report back as to how you do as well!
The biggest problem with later seasons in those 2 units is the elk are probably out in the sage / pvt land by then.

Like mentioned it gets LOTS of  pressure and the weather is always a contributing factor on success.

Good luck if you go
I have experience in all the units in North Park for almost 30 yrs.

Good luck in your hunt
Thank you. My plan is to work my butt off hike further than other people, try to get away from other hunters, and if I can't try to use their pressure to my advantage.    I won't ask you any specifics about your knowledge because you work so hard for it such as I should have to, but do you regret spending so much time in those units? And what is your overall conclusion of all those units combined? Waste of time, pretty equal to the other over-the-counter units, better than average, or just average?
I'll let Brad comment more on those units, but let's say he does alright for himself up there  ;-) The one thing I want to point out is you can't currently get a 2nd season List B tag for those units, FYI. There are none leftover currently.
one of us isn't reading right, I see 636 tags left for units 6,16,17,161,171 for cows.....then of course otc.  but I appreciate all feedback little or big, seems like a great place here. I'll weigh in to help out on a subject I feel qualified in.. thanks guys

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