No fun this weekend. Started Friday evening and apparently will last at lease up to and maybes even though next weekend. Long story but the short version. About 8pm Friday evening we had just got back from eating Mexican food and our little dog wanted to go outside. I was more than happy to take him but one minor problem occurred. When we went down the porch steps and across the sidewalk I was greeted with a "love tap" to my left ankle. Wearing no socks and slip on shoes was not a good thing. A double tap from a juvenile copperhead. It started to hurt and I called my wife to tell her I had been bitten by a copperhead. The copperhead received a double tap of his own from my handy dandy 9mm pocket pistol. Then off to the ER for what proved to be an experience in itself. Anyway I'm flat of my back with left leg pointed skyward and taking pain meds and Benadryl. Don't know for how long but no computer for at least several more days. Posting from my phone. Now I can really say the I'm snakebit.