Welcome Scot320!!!


New member
Mar 23, 2017
Everyone give an old member of \'ElkCamp\' a warm welcome

Here is his first post in case you missed it
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Glad to see you again Scot
Thanks everyone...hey Phil, are you still putting the hurt on those ducks down there?
\"Scot320\" said:
Thanks everyone...hey Phil, are you still putting the hurt on those ducks down there?

Still hammerin\' um when I get a chance.... :clap: :clap:

Last Sat of last years season.... :upthumb: :upthumb:

We killed a few more durin\' the rest of the season also... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Glad to see you found us Scot. Where are you going to be hunting up here
Hey Francis

We hunt north of Osage...been hunting there since the late 60\'s.

Nice area over there. I\'m 72 miles east of there. It\'s going to be cold this weekend.
Cold, rain and the deer sign for this year looks terrible. Took the whole week off, but If things turn out as bad as I think they will I\'ll be going home early.
Think I already welcomed you on the other post. But just in case, wELKome!!!!!!
The numbers are down here also but the bucks are really tearing stuff up now. I have more bucks on trail cams than does.
Scot it is great to have you here in camp. Join in the conversation around the campfire, just watch out for Fitzgerald. He poured the dregs of some old cold coffee in Brad\'s cup the other day while Brad was blatting about mostly nothing.

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