
\">>>---WW---->\" said:
I\'d be careful with that $150 hosting fee comment. Prices can go up real fast in todays economy. What $150 covers today might not be enough tomorrow. Instead of saying $150 to cover the cost of hosting fees, you might say something like a very minimal amount for hosting fees, or something similar.

Watta ya think?
WW has a very good point.

I would not put an exact number in those statements. Whenever possible, avoid using exact numbers. However, fees should always be posted and kept up to date.
Hi Guys

A good friend invited me over here and said it was safe...but he has been known to wear funny hats, and tries to make his face look like an elk butt...so I\'m a little skeptical :roll:

Not sure who knows how to do this, but it should be a global condition for any attachments someone clicks on, to \"open in a new window\" (it is a pain in the butt to have to hit the \"back\" button after opening a link or attachment). This was a problem somewhere else as well ;)

That\'s all I got...let\'s kill some elk!
The mission statement looks good ... I\'d leave off the part about being fed up with \"other\" sites ... not that it\'s not true, but I think it can be implied without overtly expressing it and inviting \"trouble.\"

Welcome elkmtngear!
\"AmericanBwana\" said:
Mission: Elkmentors is a not for profit site, focused on Elk Mentoring & Tutoring, Mutual Respect, Privacy, and Hunter Outreach Volunteerism.

Then flesh it out with a sticky in the announcements section, with something like this.

Elk Mentors was started by a group of like minded Elk hunters, who are more interested in helping other hunters than making money.

Years of experience, blended with desire to assist new or struggling Elk hunters motivates our members to contribute. Everyone, and I mean everyone, regardless of experience has something to contribute. The more you share, the more you learn.

A small portion of the revenue generated will be used to cover operating expenses, such as web hosting, domain registration, etc. The remainder of ANY sponsorship money\'s will be donated quarterly to hunting organization selected by the members.

Ad\'s and advertisements will not consume 50% of the page, instead we will provide a single small, rotating banner, shared by any sponsor ads. Sponsorship costs will be $50 a year for first year start-up companies, to $100 a year for established companies. A donation of their product is also welcomed. All donated products will be given away to the members for contests (like best hunting photo, best harvest photo, best whatever).


I removed the \'fed up\' and $150 year self imposed cap.

Am I on the right track?
looks good dana, guys the site looks better every time I get on. well done. cant wait to see the finished product
The site is looking good. It will take some getting used to as anything does. I wish you guys the best of luck with it.
I don\'t want to sound too negative but mission statements don\'t matter all that much to me. Guess I got soured out on them at the place I used to work. They got so involved with their mission statement that the actually shut the plant down except for a few essential operators to have meetings to tell us all what the statement was. Then the next day they complained because of lack of work being done the previous day. :crazy:

Hey! We are all just a bunch of crazy elk hunters sharing what we have learned over the years thru the school of hard knocks. That\'s all the mission statement I need!
\">>>---WW---->\" said:
Hey! We are all just a bunch of crazy elk hunters sharing what we have learned over the years thru the school of hard knocks. That\'s all the mission statement I need!

Yeah, I\'m good with that, Bill! :clap:
I\'m a little late to the party but I like it so far! :clap:

PM size is something I\'d be concerned with. I sent one PM and was told my PM box was 2% full... :crazy:
Brad and Dana - The site looks great! I like that it is simple and easy to move around in.
WW sent me the invite and I like what I see.
Keep up the good work guys!

Wow! Its been awhile!
I remember you from the old \'elkcamp\'!

Nice to have ya!
\"cnelk\" said:

Wow! Its been awhile!
I remember you from the old \'elkcamp\'!

Nice to have ya!

Brad- I stopped posting on that site a long time ago and hardly ever even stop in for a visit. There are some good hunters over there and I wouldn\'t mind seeing some of them show up here.
I am also on the bowsite and archerytalk, but mostly just looking from the cover of cyberspace!

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