Whack-A-Teal 2016

Ol' Arky

New member
Apr 24, 2014
It ain\'t a camp but Whack-A-Teal is ALMOST here... :D :D

Saturday morning at sunrise is when it starts... 6:48 AM CDT give a second or 2.... :lol: :lol:

I\'ve been waiting since November 23, 2015 to be able to get back out there with and for anything... It\'s supposed to be hot with a chance of rain so I\'ll have water to stay cool, either from above or the ice chest or underneath me... The boys (I call all my duck hunting buddies my boys) have me a boat setup for comfort and concealment... Tall lily pads here we come... :D :D

Brad\'s leaving out in the morning for Camp Whack - AK - Moose 2016 and I hope they have a safe trip and as much fun and success as I plan on having Saturday morning... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

GO GET UM BRAD!!!!!!!!!!!! :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:
good luck phil, you got many teal down there yet. mo opens saturday to. not sure bout numbers here, never hunted them during early season. to many snakes
We have had anyone check lately but where we hunt them is a here today gone tomorrow type place... Usually opening morning we have some but this year it may be the 2nd day since a front is supposed to come thru on Sat.... Don\'t have a snake problem but do have a few resident gators we have to watch for... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Opening morning for teal season for our crew has been a tradition since they started the early season.... Of course anytime we can hunt ducks is better that anything else... The year we archery hunted elk was before the teal season opened.... We had to get back for the opener that year... :D :D
I\'ll try to get some pictures, Russ since our use to be pictures taker has left the fold for greener pastures... :wave: :wave:

GO GET A BIG UN, RUSS!!!!!!!! :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:
I love shooting teal over decoys...they come in like little F-16s !

Hope they are flying all day long, Phil!
Opening day stared out bad at 3:45 AM when I woke to a cold sweat... Blood sugar had dropped to 45... :downthumb: :downthumb:

After a glass of orange juice and package of peanut butter and cheese crackers I got dressed to leave... Nothing was gonna keep me from going this time... :D :D

After a 1 hour trip trip to the teal hole we unloaded the boat a was off to \"the island\"... One of the boys had gone out early and found that there were no standing lily pads only the one floating on the surface... No lilies to use as concealment this year... :( :(

We setup had to setup on the island instead of the point off the island due to the lily pad situation and waited for shooting hours... During the wait another bad sign... NO teal were flying... :shock: :shock: We waited and waited and waited till shooting hours and still no teal.... I had the alarm on my iPhone set for the exact time and it sets off at 6:47 AM which was 2 minutes earlier that I thought because of the distance traveled... WOOOSH!!!! A flock of 12 or 15 blue wing rockets blazed by while I was trying to turn my alarm off.. No one saw them since they were preoccupied with me and the alarm... The teal laughed as they sped away never to return...

From that point on we knew it was gonna be a sad day... We saw very few teal the rest of the morning and for the 1st time forever we never fired a shot.... :downthumb: :downthumb:

Not a good day for hunting but a great day to be out with the boys again... :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:

EXCEPT remember the chance of rain... :D :D

Well it did and it did again... Got soaked to the bone before we got back to the boat ramp... :lol: :lol:

Been a long time since I felt so good about feeling so bad... :lol: :lol:

And then when I got home the cable was out... :geek: :geek: So I just had too take a nap.... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Tomorrow is another day and the front moved thru so, maybe just maybe the little blue wing rockets will have come with it and are waiting for our return in the morning... :upthumb: :upthumb:
Another not so good hunting day but I\'m getting to where I can do a little more without being completely out of breathe.... :upthumb: :upthumb:

The area we hunt teal is state owned public land and this year the AGFC has ban all motorize and wind powered decoys that simulate wing movement on all state owned land an WMA\'S... Undoubtedly everyone else that hunts where we hunt didn\'t get to message or are just plain and simply breaking the new rule... Yesterday and today both every group of hunter we saw are using spinning wing decoys... There wasn\'t many teal yesterday so it didn\'t make much difference... But today there were a few more teal and with us obeying the rule and no one else doing so kind of put us at a disadvantage... We did manage to kill 3 and I was able to get my gun barrel a little warm for the first time in a while... Even managed to kill 1 of the teal from the only flock we had close enough to shoot...

So today was good, bad and in between... :D :D

No more hunting till next weekend since all the boys have to go back to work...

I\'m thinking I may call the enforcement folks at the AGFC and see if they can give us a better chance next weekend since the same folks not abiding with the ban are also shooting early... Not sure what to do... But I kind of dislike folks that disobey the rules.... :downthumb: :downthumb:
i would call em, sucks when your obeying the laws and no one else is. just make sure you have all your stuff together and dont forget anything at home next weekend, lol.
We\'ve been at this for so long we\'ve always got all our ducks in a row, excuse the pun... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I imagine I\'ll give the new Captain in charge of this area a call tomorrow and just see if he might be able to assist in the new rule being applied to everyone... :D :D
Long story but I talked to the Captain in charge of enforcement for this area and he told me something entirely different that I was told a month or so ago... So we can use our little \"secret weapons\" for the little blue wing rockets... :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:

He told me what happened was they wrote the new law to cover ALL state owned WMA\'s and National WMA\'s or Refuge\'s and it had no mention of the early teal season... Where we hunt is state owned but IS NOT a WMA and it\'s early teal season so he told use to go ahead and use the decoys... It appears if anyone hunting teal during the early season on a state owned WMA or National WMA or Refuge that they can use motion decoys also... He also said that what I was told was true at the time they told me but when they messed up in writing the law it changed... Also that there had been a press release to that effect but I haven\'t seen if yet... I\'ll look a bit later but it makes no difference now...

I pulled the wing motion decoys out of moth balls this afternoon and have them ready to go come Saturday morning... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I guess sometimes things happen and make like interesting... :lol: :lol:
Instead of Whack A Teal 2016 it\'s been like Whacky Teal season so far... Mostly hunt and not much shooting or killing... Done for this weekend since everybody has something to do tomorrow.... One more weekend left...
Season ends Sunday and it appears Whack A Teal 2016 will end without much action.... The weather forecast doesn\'t look good with high\'s in the 90\'s and lows in the 70\'s the rest of season... We\'ll be back after them again this weekend and maybe we\'ll be able scratch out a few anyway.... Like I\'ve always told my boys \"ya can\'t kill um setting on the couch or watching football\"...
Just got in from the lake... Whack-A-Teal 2016 is in the books...

As my oldest son said \"the worse teal season we\'ve had, even worse that last year which was the worse season we\'ve had until this year\"... :downthumb: :downthumb:

This morning we had one flight of 3 blue wing teal buzz our decoys and all 3 found a place in the boat... :upthumb: :upthumb:

That was it for 3 1/2 hunting hours and another hour or so before shooting hours this morning... :downthumb: :downthumb:

I hope \"there\'s always next year\"... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Now the 2 month wait until the regular duck season begins.... :lol: :lol: