What caliber/bullet do you shoot?

Right now I am using a .300 Ultra Mag with a 200 grain accubond. I have also used a 30-06 in the past with 220 grain core-loks. The 220\'s were great for shorter shots (inside of 300 yards or so). I am also tinkering with loads for my new Remington R-25 in .308. My plan is to have that as more of a still-hunting gun with a simple red dot scope on it. Because I am going to use it to \'plink\' a bit as well, I am looking at maybe just loading up 175 grain GameKings. Either that or I\'ll have separate hunting loads with the accubonds.
My \'elk gun\' is a Weatherby 340 Mag
Mark V Stainless w/ an AccuBrake
I reload a 225gr Hornady with 90gr of H4831
.30-06 ... with 165 grain Hornady GMX bullets. I\'ve been very satisfied with the GMX line so far.

I also use GMX in 90 grains in a .257 Roberts Ackley Improved.

I\'m currently working up a 165 grain Hornady Interlock load for use with my other .30-06s ... but it\'ll be the Savage and the GMX that I take this year for just about everything once archery season is over.
340 Weatherby?

Jeez, Brad ... did you have a LimbSaver surgically implanted in your shoulder?

Personally, I\'m a little put-off by toting the -06 around, preferring something a little lighter.
Winchester model 70 .270. It\'s my one all around gun.

130gr Barnes TTSX for elk (Complete pass through last year). Works fine if you keep the shots under 250, and make a good shot.

Something a bit lighter for deer. I think I toted 130 Remington power points last year. I\'ll be working up a load with 110gr TTSX later this summer for speed goats and deer.

Most of the kids we take out hunting do not use magnums. I\'ve seen them take elk with 7-08, 308, 30-06, and .270. I think my hunter last year had a 7mm Rem Mag. They all work at the ranges (150 yards or less) we allow the kids to shoot. The speedgoat and deer hunters use about the same, with a few .243\'s mixed in.
358 winchester in a BLR.

so far, I\'ve been using pretty good, but painfully expensive ($1.00/bullet) Nosler PArtitions in 225 gr. Makes for expensive practice.

I\'m hoping to get a flatter drop chart and a bit more range from the 200 gr Accubond, if they ever get around to making some more of them!

I also have a 300 WSM that I\'ve been using (so far only at the range) 168 Barnes TTSX\'s. This round definately carries more range, but the rifle itself is about 18-20 oz heavier.

inside 300 yards, the BLR is my choice gun. Worked fine at 35 yards in 2012..... but at that distance, my .44 Mag would have worked just fine too! :)
a .358 Win BLR ... I\'m jealous. What a cool chambering for that rifle.

I\'d like a smaller caliber for a BLR someday, too ... maybe a .308 or 7-08.
My pet rifle for elk is a Win model 70 featherweight in 270. Stoke it up with 140 grn Hornady boat tails in front of 54 grains of imr 4350. 2.5\" high at 100yds will put them 7\" low at 300yds. I\'ve killed elk farther than that, but that\'s the exception rather than the rule. Been a 270 fan my entire life. Not saying it\'s better, but works for me. It\'s a crying shame I haven\'t shot it in 20 years. :(
Browning 270 a-bolt. It\'s my shoot everything gun. I have killed deer,aoudad,hogs and a couple of mule deer with it. I\'m very comfortable shooting this gun so I guess it is what I will be using for elk this year too but don\'t think the 110gr ttsx\'s is what I will be using.
Daved, barnes is typically a great option for elk. However, I would go with the heaviest option you can. I am thinking there is a heavier option than the 110gr. The .270 is plenty to take down an elk though.
\"cohunter14\" said:
Daved, barnes is typically a great option for elk. However, I would go with the heaviest option you can. I am thinking there is a heavier option than the 110gr. The .270 is plenty to take down an elk though.

110 may be a bit light.

The 130 ttsx & 140 ttsx have the oal in my gun. The 130 gr passed right through my elk at 270 yards.

They like to be driven hard and need some room to jump. Mine are .050 off the lands.
\"AmericanBwana\" said:
\"cohunter14\" said:
Daved, barnes is typically a great option for elk. However, I would go with the heaviest option you can. I am thinking there is a heavier option than the 110gr. The .270 is plenty to take down an elk though.

110 may be a bit light.

The 130 ttsx & 140 ttsx have the oal in my gun. The 130 gr passed right through my elk at 270 yards.

They like to be driven hard and need some room to jump. Mine are .050 off the lands.
Thanks Dana, I will try and get some heavier ttsx bullets and give them a try.
\"I reload a 225gr Hornady with 90gr of H4831\"


I\'m flinching just reading that.
ive never rifle hunted elk but took my son last year. we all have 3006 an I bought some 165 grain trophy bonded for the medicine. I would like to kill one someday with my 21 yr old ruger mk2 77 my wife bought me when we were dating.
I hunt with a TC Renegade .50 cal sidelock. I use a PRB (round ball) and 90 gr of real black powder.

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