What do you look for? (Mule deer)


New member
Apr 30, 2014
I know this answer will be similar to a whitetail answer, but if you see a mule deer and only have a few seconds to assess it, what determines if it\'s a shooter for you or not?

I am already guessing tine length and mass, but what else?

Their antlers are set up different and I want to know what I should be looking for if I have a few seconds to assess.
Now that I know what to look for I am looking for width and height. If he has both then the 3rd thing mass should be there to. Every year out here in New Mexico I am getting more educated.
I know of 3 big ones that made it through late archery season. Now just gotta find them this year.
I\'m similar to Alan in that I look for width and height. One thing I have noticed is the width can be tricky...if the antlers are tall, it can make them not look as wide, making for some ground growth. The cool thing about mulies is it\'s pretty easy to tell if you are looking at something big. One that has four on a side will typically stick out pretty well compared to anything less, although there I have seen some big 3x3\'s as well.
I\'m not...didn\'t draw the hunt I was wanting. I should draw it next year though :upthumb:
No OTC deer in Colorado. All draw, then leftovers.

Never, ever judge a MD when it is walking away from you.
You will shoot them ever time. ;)
That\'s not the angle you want to look at
\"iccyman001\" said:
So they have zero point units, but no OTC units for deer?

That is crazy...

Yeah, and typically the leftover list isn\'t all that fantastic either. The deer population is coming back slowly but surely, but definitely isn\'t what it used to be. Drawing a deer tag here used to be pretty easy.

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