What is your preferred elk meat cuts, processing, etc.?


New member
Sep 3, 2013

We all have different processes or should I say percentages that we like to cut, ground, develop our harvested elk and/or deer meat into. How do you like to have your elk processed?  What percentage (or choice of cuts) do you like to make your game into; steaks, jerky, sausages(and what types), ground-up meat, and/or other processing?

elk I like to make as much into steak as possible, the rest will be sausage or jerky, my deer 100 % goes into jerky, and i also use all the meat on the animal, including scraps , rib meat, neck, lower leg and nothing like a good heart steak.I will usually get around 175 to 200 lbs from an elk and never under 50 lbs from a deer after fully processed with no bones. 
First thing I do is cut out the roasts and set those aside then I get as much steak as I can and trim those up.  The steaks are the most versatile as I can grill them as is or cut them up for kabobs or into strips for stir fry, fajitas etc.  The smaller leftover bits from the roast and steak cuts become kabob, stew meat or jerky.  I label the packages as such and cut to desired service when I thaw it out.  Everything else goes into the grind pile which will become burger(with 10% pork fat), snack sticks, and bratwurst sausage (20% pork fat).
Steaks ,roasts,stew,chili grind.  I do get some burger/sausage made for me at times. This year I had burger made out of all extras. 5% pork fat.
I can make anything out of the grind,burger/chili,sausage,etc. I have saved some shanks (lower leg) for slow cooking.