When I am alone, or relegated to the camp cook details, breakfast, lunch and dinner are pretty simple in our elk camp. Breakfast is cold cereal, and a banana or something similar. Lunch is often the big meal, where I fry a steak or hamburger, and bake a spud plus veggies. Dinner is a can of something heated up and some fruit or veggies, or left overs. Cooking is always simple. Snacks are high energy dried foods or bars. I admit I have never had a hungering for dinner from a sack, since I had something similar in a fire spike camp. My son and some others have told me that slime in a sack stuff is actually quite good. I will find out some day, I am sure. To be honest, I lose weight while hunting, and I maximize the use of quality hunting time.
What is on your menu and how do you prioritize hunting and meals?
What is on your menu and how do you prioritize hunting and meals?