what\'s that saying? a fool and his money are..............

elky McElkerson

New member
Mar 13, 2014
............soon parted.

hahah.. i had very little gear to buy this season. so, i got a bug up my butt, and i scratched it. (eww, i think i got that saying wrong)

my local buddies invented a turkey hunting challenge. they called it something catchy. \"the California 3-weapon Turkey slam\" every spring we are allowed 3 birds. honor system, no tags. we honor it. usually by only squeeking out a single take. ;)

one bird each: archery, shotgun, pellet rifle. problem was, i didnt have a pellet rifle. i remedied that last night. wife was not home, so i will have some \'splaining to do. not really, i saved up months of coffee money and my own mad money \"allowance\" she gives me monthly, like an adolescent child..but i am rambling.

i wanted the rifle early so i can work out bugs and practice. PyramidAir just called. i paid an extra $20 for them to mount scope, shoot 20 shots, chorograph it, sight it in @10 meters and send me the punched out targets. they said if the rifle wont shoot they get another one off the shelf. seemed like a smart $20.

this wont replace my bow, but it will certainly augment it. :D. I went w a .22 cal. More pellet options.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.
Very cool, Cliff!!!!! I use high powered air rifles on base and kill ducks, geese, jack rabbit, and skunks daily. They will definitely kill a turkey.
What\'s that saying? a fool and his money are....... Yup, that\'s a hunter all right. You are either a hunter or none of this makes any sense.

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