You and your pal are hunting elk one afternoon.
You are set up on the edge of a small meadow and 5 elk come by.
The last one is a bull and you both shoot at it [Rifle ML Archery it doesnt matter]
The cover is as such that it is determined that both could have made the hit, but not quite sure.
The elk run off and you wait for an hour before the tracking starts.
You find blood. Good blood.
You press on for an hour. The cover is really thick
Suddenly the bull jumps up from its bed and bolts.
But you notice the elk is not doing well. No shot can be made
You wait a bit longer and start the trail again. You come to a fence. The bull has crossed it.
It is posted NO TRESPASSING.
It is known that the landowner does not allow ANY access for ANY reason.
You see the bull standing 150yds away, its head is hanging down
What do you do next?
1) Shoot the bull? Who shoots the bull?
2) Watch the bull die?
3) If you chose #1, what do you do next?
4) If you chose #2, what do you do next?
5) Other - Explain
You and your pal are hunting elk one afternoon.
You are set up on the edge of a small meadow and 5 elk come by.
The last one is a bull and you both shoot at it [Rifle ML Archery it doesnt matter]
The cover is as such that it is determined that both could have made the hit, but not quite sure.
The elk run off and you wait for an hour before the tracking starts.
You find blood. Good blood.
You press on for an hour. The cover is really thick
Suddenly the bull jumps up from its bed and bolts.
But you notice the elk is not doing well. No shot can be made
You wait a bit longer and start the trail again. You come to a fence. The bull has crossed it.
It is posted NO TRESPASSING.
It is known that the landowner does not allow ANY access for ANY reason.
You see the bull standing 150yds away, its head is hanging down
What do you do next?
1) Shoot the bull? Who shoots the bull?
2) Watch the bull die?
3) If you chose #1, what do you do next?
4) If you chose #2, what do you do next?
5) Other - Explain