When to move or put up a stand?


New member
Mar 23, 2017
Since I hunt public land that is out of state, and a few hours away, when is a good time of day to relocate or put up a stand?
I use ladder sticks and hang-ons - I dont have a climber.

Or if I wanted to build a natural ground blind, when would a good time of day to do this?
I\'d do it late morning to early afternoon. Then I like to let em sit at least 24 hours before hunting if that\'s possible
I agree with Will on the times.

If I move a stand during season I hunt it right away most times. I usually moved it because deer are using a area. Some of my best hunts have been the first time I sat in a new stand sight.
I like to hunt late mornings so I am more of a noon to 2:00 kind of guy. I also like to do it just prior to a rain if possible.
I agree with the timing of putting up the stand. I would hunt it right away, no need to wait 24 hours and it sounds like you don\'t have the time to waste anyway.
I have moved stands in the rain and paid no attention to time of day. Usually when it\'s raining hard and I know deer are not likely moving.
When setting a new stand like in your situation, i give myself an hour or two to set it before I hunt. Do it and get in and hunt. I woulds rather take my time and make little or no noise than to walk in, walk out, and walk back in. Many times I have thrown a ladder stand on a pack frame, grabbed my bow and a saw/pruner, went out and set a stand, climbed in it and shot a buck. First time in is always best, and why walk out to eat, sleep, or watch TV. Just hunt it. A deer is just as likely to spook from a new stand whether you\'re in it or not. Might as well try to get a shot if he shows up. All my permanent \"go to\" stands are set in the off season.
Public land I I like to put mine up or move them late morning. I also have no problem hunting a stand right away as I feel the best sit in that stand is the first time sitting it.
I hunt public land but use a climber, so I basically put it up for every sit. I would agree with doing it mid-day, as quietly as possible, then hunt it right away. That\'s what turkey diaphragm\'s are for. Mid-day let out a yelp every so often, even while walking in or while setting up. Before dawn I would just use it once I get to my tree to set up.

Good Luck
mid day and hunt it that night. i read a story many years ago about a guy that had killed like 40 pope and young bucks. i cant remember the exact numbers but something like 75 percent of them had been the first time he ever sit the stand. thats a outstanding number when you think of hunting a stand 5-10 times a year, year after year, yet that many killed the first time he ever hunted the stand. sure speaks to how bucks pattern hunters.
In Central Ks, with open areas primarily hunting transition areas and drainages,I have set a stand and shot a buck an hour and a half later.

During hunting season your moving a stand for a reason, generally a pinch point / funnel noticed or really fresh sign.

Move it and hunt it.
It should be noted that from mid October through mid November one should almost exclusively focus on tight funnels and travel corridors if you are putting up a new set.

That is unless your hunting extremely unpressured deer with isolated food sources that hold lots of does like you see on TV.
I also set stands in the middle of the day and right before a rain if possible. I actually like a new stand to be up at least a week before using it the first time. Perhaps I am being overly cautious but setting a new stand can require a good amount of trimming and at times even large cutting, clearing of lanes etc. Most of my stands are not in large established forests with big trees. Some of mine are in 30\' Hedge trees. The amount of scent left along with undergrowth disruption is considerable! And yes, the first time in the stand can be golden!
I\'ve moved many a stand around noon and then hunted it that evening with very good success. (just bring a change of clothes in case you get sweaty) I guess it depends on prevailing winds, bedding and feeding areas - is it an evening stand or a morning stand? Just moved one early this week and my dad shot an 8 point out of it yesterday morning - first time in the stand.


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