When to start scouting your elk hunting area?


New member
Sep 3, 2017
What is the earliest one should start taking trips to the high country to scout for elk?

My area is at about 10K, and I suspect the abundant snow should be off the roads by the July 4th weekend. Is that to early to start looking?

Also, how many times should one plan on heading up? I\'m thinking about one trip in early July, one in early August, then up for the hunt opening weekend?

Oh, and how many days per trip?

I\'m going to try to make it once, probably in late July or August, more to get camp ready (cut wood, maybe put a camera up, etc.) than to scout. My place isn\'t easily accessible until then, anyway. I may try to day trips to other, lower areas in June, to use as backups and future spots, or perhaps to try different access points to my primary area.

August elk locations in my area seem to hold through about September 10 or so ... then they move, so finding elk isn\'t as important as I once thought it was.

To me, \"scouting\" isn\'t so much about seeing elk, or even \"sign\" but about learning trails, access routes, water conditions, etc. A lot (but not all) of that can be done remotely.
To go along with what John said, I agree that scouting isn\'t necessarily about finding elk right then and there. If you can access the area, you should be able to get a good feel for if elk use the area or not based on game trails, rubs, etc. Having said that, I would say no time is too early to scout. If the area is accessable, you are good to go. How many times? As many as possible. How many days each time? As many as possible :D Truthfully, the number of days really depends on how much ground you need to cover. Give yourself plenty of time to cover every area that you want to.

I am working on a new area for this year and I am going to try to take advantage of every possible moment I can get to spend in the woods there. Think of it this way: it is possible to not spend enough time in an area to get to know it, but you can never spend too much time ;)
Due to limited time this Summer:
Plan A area:
Late July, set trail cams and scout. 2.5 days due to work limitations
Mid-Aug remove or move trail cams and scout more terrain. 2.5 days.

In a normal summer, I prefer to also scout my Plan B and C areas starting when the snow is mostly gone. If plan B and C areas are a dud (no elk sign), I prefer to know as early as possible.

I already know Plan A has high potential from past years, therefore, I want more current information in August closer to opening day. I do call the FS district office to make sure there are no surprises for Plan A area. One year, I had a surprise of heavy equipment closing a hiking trail to prevent motorized vehicles. The FS did the work opening week :cry:
I was up at 11,000ft yesterday. Lots of snow still. I had to climb over a bunch of big drifts, but I couldn\'t wait any longer to get up there.

I saw a bunch of fresh elk tracks, so they\'re there.
My upcoming weekend looks a bit \'unscheduled\'.
I just may have to go up and see whats going on... :)
goin at the end of june, not so much to scout as a buddy wants to hike in elk country. wont get serious about it til first week of august, then looking for water holes in some new country.
Check this link out Snotel Reports
Some MAJOR snow in some areas

<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.wunderground.com/StateSnowDepth.asp?state=CO\">http://www.wunderground.com/StateSnowDepth.asp?state=CO</a><!-- m -->
I\'m heading to unit 76 next weekend for some scouting/hiking. I\'ll post up what I encounter.
It is never too early to scout. I like to start right after the prior season is over. I have gone out and dropped down through the snow zone into an open canyon to look around. I was in there before the Spring vegetation got to growing. There is no such thing as too early. As Tick noted, you don\'t need to see the animals unless you are scouting for a certain antler size.
\"cohunter14\" said:
Wow...there is still almost 15 feet of snow in one area! That is unreal!
snow? its almost a distant memory here now..... it got up to 86 today!
\"Ol\' Arky\" said:
\"Colorado_Lew\" said:
Snowed on us last weekend in our area.
Sunday woke up to frozen water.

Is ya elk camp at the same spot it used to be??? :silent: :silent:

Yes it is.
Saw two bulls in the big park up the road near the old cabin.
The logging companies are taking a bunch of timber out of the area, been doing that for a couple of years now.
The elk don\'t seem to mind too much.