WY Random Draw Question

Baby Huey

New member
Apr 17, 2014
I need some help understanding the Random draw for WY elk. Let me know if my understanding below is correct.

It seems a certain amount of tags will be allocated to the random draw for specific hunt areas. I believe these tags are then drawn as a true lottery, where preference points are not a factor in the draw selection. I believe that this random draw occurs after the preference point draw, so I assume if you are unsuccessful in the preference point draw, that you will obtain another preference point.

I assume that if you put in for the preference point draw, then you will automatically be put into the random draw if you are unsuccessful - is this correct? Then, if you draw a random tag, are your preference points used where your total goes to zero?

Thanks, Roman
There is a guy called \'wapitibob\' that is very knowledgeable about the WY draw

I cant recall if he is a member here, but I know he frequents other sites

He would be the one to ask
You\'ll need an advanced degree in statistics AND a Philadelphia legal firm working full time for about a day to grasp the way the draw is done up here. Wapitibob is, as far as I know, the only mortal to comprehend this, and that might be a reason to question the existence of God because I didn\'t think a mortal could do that.

I hope it\'s not poor manners to link to another forum, but here goes: Wapitibob\'s input is on page 3 ... that alone should tell you about the complexity.

<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.rokslide.com/forums/showthread.php?39614-Wyoming-Use-Points-or-Not\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">http://www.rokslide.com/forums/showthre ... nts-or-Not</a><!-- m -->
Wow I just read Bob\'s explication and I still have no idea what\'s going on. Why do they make it so complicated?
It\'s really not too complicated, you just need to ask questions, get them answered, then ask more.

Regardless of which draw you enter, regular or special, you get 2 random numbers. One for the preference point portion and one for the random draw portion. They do this to eliminate any chance of errant code still leaving the applicants sorted after the PP side and giving those with more points an advantage in the Random draw. You will see an occasional reference to points being used in the random draw and that was a rumor a few years ago but it can\'t happen.

You go into the Pp draw with your 1st choice and they go thru the apps till they run out of the 75% allocation for that hunt, or run out of apps. After the Pp round, all remaining applicants go into the random draw and their 1st choice goes with them. If you draw in that round, with your 1st choice you lose your points. If you draw your 2nd choice you don\'t lose points. This is the case for \"full price\" tags, even full price Cow tags. The doe/fawn tags (type 6/7) are a separate draw and points aren\'t used nor lost for these licenses.

I would also like to apologize for my comments on the Rokslide post. I let the chuckle head get under my skin and lost it.
Bob, thanks for the explanation! I appreciate you helping us understand with the time you have invested to figure out the WY draw process.
Yes thanks Bob. I\'m glad we have someone that has a handle on Wy\'s draw. I am just getting a point again this year but will start planning next year or the year after depending on some other hunts I am planning.

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