Wyoming preference points


New member
Apr 30, 2014
Last year I bought a preference point for antelope, deer, and elk.
I plan on buying some more this year, but my question is where are these points?

Are they just attached to my name in some database? Is there a way I can access and see my points?

I\'ve saved my receipts with the purchase of my points, but I am just trying to see if there is another way to see!

Anyone have any information on this?
Try the draw results link in the hunting section. It will ask for your name, date of birth and other information. Then you should be able to click a button and pull up your information on preference points.
I just went on their site and there was a preference point link. I put my name zip code and birth date in and up came my points.
Where are the points?

Little known fact: The Board of Game keeps all their trimmed toenails, and puts one toenail trimming into a little jar with your name on it for each point.

It\'s the only way to be fair and square about it. If you go to Rock Springs, WY, you can see the warehouse with all the toenail trimming jars. It\'s quite a tour. They make prisoners dust them every day.
\"Deertick\" said:
Where are the points?

Little known fact: The Board of Game keeps all their trimmed toenails, and puts one toenail trimming into a little jar with your name on it for each point.

It\'s the only way to be fair and square about it. If you go to Rock Springs, WY, you can see the warehouse with all the toenail trimming jars. It\'s quite a tour. They make prisoners dust them every day.

:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
Does Deertick have cabin fever? Perhaps we need to call a doctor for him. :p

Thanks for the info. I have 3 WY elk PP. Buying another one in July. They cost $50 or so. Not getting any younger, so I hope to use them in 2017.

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