Yellow jackets, hornets and wasps


New member
Aug 21, 2013
Here in the panhandle the yellow jackets are pretty bad this yr. If I knock down a bull this sept. what do I need to do to keep them away from me and the carcass while I'm quartering in the field. What do you guys do?
Check out the other post titled Yellow Jackets.  Some people have given some good ideas.  It will definitely answer your question.
Last year on my Dad's bull he and I butchered him while my brother took two bushy tree limbs and kept waving them across the meat. They didn't have to brush the bees off but the wind created by the limbs kept them off.

The bees are so bad this year my Mom is talking about putting a screen tent with our pack frames and meat cart and bringing it to the kill if we happen to get one this year. It sounds like extra work but it might be the only way to keep them off.

I have heard of using pepper to keep them off and carrying a can of PAM spray and spraying the meat and that will supposedly keep them off but I have tried neither.
Thanks for the tips and info on the other thread, Duh, guess I should have looked first. The bug tent idea is a good one depending on where the elk falls and if you want to pack it in and out. Wondering if I quarter it with the skin on if that'll help, or doing the gutless method. I've never done either. I've harvested 3 nice bulls and have always gutted and quartered them but never had a problem with yellowjackets on any.
had the same issue in CO a couple years ago when a buddy put a cow down. yellow jackets more commonly known in the CO elkwoods as "meat bee's" were on the scene quick. there is no stopping them. you just have to work fast. go gutless.
I'm far from an expert but Always skin the quarter to help cooling and place in a quality game bag not cheese cloth and tie the top of the bag so bugs can't get in. I'v been using Caribou and will not go back to anything else light, packable and washable just my opinion. I'v lost meat do to poor care on my part and promised NEVER AGAIN. As for bugs while cleaning/quartering I'm gonna have to go look for that other post BEST OF LUCK
I read on one the topics here on the elk101 fourm that black pepper and chili powder work the best. If your not a fan of spicy food use the black pepper as it is easier to was wash off and doesn't leave the taste of pepper.
One medium can of black pepper kept the flies and bees off of my elk last year as soon as I had the hide off I would sprinkle some pepper on the meat and they would keep away. They will still swarm and buzz around the area but it keeps your hard earned meat clean

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