Your Go To Plan


New member
Mar 4, 2014
I hunt from a base camp and mainly tree stand hunt. When the time feels right, I will do some calling. For me calling is partly scouting and partly hunting. If an area is good, I may haul a tree stand to a select location. What is your primary way of elk hunting, and do you have a backup style?
I\'m still fine tweaking my ways, but to give my best answer:

In the morning I am \"run and gunning\" with my bow.
I am either listening for bugles and chasing or I am talking with elk and moving towards them.

The evening has been more of a sit in a spot and wait. (Water, Wallow, or maybe food)
For me, early in the hunt is typically spent covering ground and trying to find some fresh sign or anything that leads me to believe that the elk are in a certain area. Sometimes this is done with binocs or a spotting scope, if possible, but more times than not it is done on foot. I try to do more stand hunting in the afternoons/evenings, although I would actually refer to it as a ground blind as I am not up in a tree...although I\'m not actually in a blind either!

The one thing I have noticed the more I have hunted is that I just don\'t love sitting still that much. It\'s one thing if I am glassing, but if I am sitting on a game trail or at the edge of a meadow hoping and waiting for an elk to come by, my patience gets tested a lot!
I guess my go to is run and gun. if talking I will call if they are not I usually travel till I find them. I also spot and stalk and I have also sat water. I\'m a method melting pot I don\'t have a set way I\'ve killed elk almost every way at one time or another. I can do about any approach, but if I have my choice I will be climbing and calling elk to me. just for the kick I get out of it.

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