Your Least Favorite Month


New member
Mar 23, 2017
What\'s your least favorite month?

I think mine is March.
Usually Windy. Everything is usually brown
March is pretty crappy. No hunting, shed hunting season hasn\'t quite kicked off, no hunting, weather can be meh, no hunting, and it\'s the middle point from draw applications and draw results. YUCK!!!!!
I have two... July and August... Usually so hot and humid here I can breathe.... Not looking forward to either of them this year... :( :(
Hmm... Interesting question. January, February, March and April are not fun here, but ... They are a good time to get work done, and ... I like to work. May, June, July, and August are the reason people live here in the first place. By the end of May, the snow is gone and some of the roads are opening up. September and October are the hunting months, and November actually is not fun.

There are still chances to hunt, but they are \"squeezed\" in, and it\'s not prime hunting anyway. I\'ve already used up most of my time off and then there is thanksgiving, which takes more time away from production at work. When you own the business, that\'s not a vacation, it\'s a loss.

I\'d say November is my least favorite. I\'m torn between sub-prime work and sub-prime play, and the financial stress of taking a week off for archery elk is starting to come due, and then there get to be the stresses of \"this and that\" in anticipation of the holidays....
now, its too cold to do anything, so no motivation. even up here, the weather winter is breaking up in march and we slowly get to get outside! I agree it gets wet and muddy, but I would take that over snot instantly freezing in your nose the second you walk outside, just to start the truck and let it warm up for 15 mins.....
march is when a young male turkey\'s mind turns to love..(and mush). i love march.

insert any summer month for me. i dont like summer much. too hot around these parts (for me)
I really hate the heat so I would say July and August are a tie for me.

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