I made Commander this year and had to do the 3 years time in service otherwise I would be out this next may. No skill bridge for me. I am anesthesiologist and the only one at my job on the Nimitz. They won’t let me leave lol.
Awesome. Man i wish this forum had more users actively posting. I got rid of Facebook and miss the interaction on these threads. Don’t ever want Facebook again. Nothing but spam and crap on there
I put my in as well for Colorado o
PP. going to be out at sea the next two seasons unfortunately. But I retire from the navy in Oct 2026. Will move back home around the spring. I have 19 PP for elk now but don’t think I’ll ever catch up to hunt 201. Sucks
I missed when David was their marketing guy. Used to make things so simple. Sort of glad I am out of the video stuff now. Really got to where it was more of a hassle. Still love my Sitka though lol
Not sure about this year. Will be transferring to my new duty station for my last tour in this damn 35 year boat club. I check in august 1st so going to just put in and pray for the best
With Facebook and all the other crap websites, it really takes away from the great forum that used to be here and elkcamp.com. I got rid of Facebook and Instagram about two years ago. Wish more folks would see the value in these old forums.
Rant done lol
Back home and now getting everything ready for my second rifle deer hunt in area 2. Can’t wait for that. Another 18 hours in the truck coming up the 26th
Been hunting since the 18th. Ran into two cows and one bull. The bull just didn’t work out. Yesterday I did a nine mile loop through a two year old burn (it sucked). There was so much blowdown. Seen a lot of moose. Called in 2 hunters tonight but I figured they would be catch and release. I’m...