3 for 3 on an early rifle season buck hunt in Colorado. I helped my 2 brothers and nephew these past 6 days packing in 6 miles one way, finding deer and having a great time. Couldn\'t hunt the first day - the wind and rain was downright scary. We had GoLite pyramid style tents with a single pole holding the tent up. My brother\'s pole snapped in the windstorm (40-50 mph gusts) and they had to use their tripod to hold up their tent. My other brother grabbed the tent pole in ours before it broke. Then we tied my trekking poles to it with paracord and it held the rest of the trip and one night added trekking poles to the inside of the tent to brace it from the wind gusts. We also had bad news of a close family friend whose daughter passed away. So, we took some lesser bucks in order to get home for the memorial. Very tough and physically demanding hunt - not to mention the mental part of it, but it was a great time!