Colorado Apps Due Next Tuesday!

Hey there,

Ive really been doing some research on elk hunting in Colorado this year. This is my first year doing anything related to elk or out of state. Im from western nebraska so im not far but im just not sure where to start. Ive seen some stuff about doing "0 point draws'' or just doing OTC. Im interested in doing archery so any input would definitely help as the deadlines are coming up.

Welcome John! The best place to start is reading the Big Game Brochure's opening pages. You can find the brochure here:

If you are wanting to hunt archery, there are no longer OTC tags available for non-residents, so you will have to apply for a tag. If you take a look at pages 42 and 43 of the brochure, you'll see the available tag options. Page 43 is basically all of the old OTC units, so most of those should be pretty easy to draw with no preference points.

If you want to take a look at how many preference points a unit historically took to draw, you can take a look at the elk statistics page here: Simply go to the draw recap or drawn out at reports, look up the code, and you'll see what it took to draw. The other option on this, which really simplifies things, is to get a subscription to Go Hunt, as they compile all of the data for you and will show you what you can draw with no preference points.

I hope that helps, but let us know if you have additional questions!
Ok, thank you.

I went ahead and got the GoHunt subscription and ive been looking through some of the units. I found several units that say 100% for 0 points so how would you recommend I narrow down exactly what unit to hunt? Just looking at Trophy size and success rates or is there another way that you'd recommend. Really appreciate the help.

That's a good question John. Realistically, it's kind of like throwing a dart at a map. There is no right or wrong answer. I would say trophy size and success rates are both guestimates, at best. Colorado doesn't require everyone to fill out their harvest survey, so to say those numbers are inaccurate would be an understatement.

If I were you, I would read some of the unit descriptions on GoHunt, as those can be somewhat helpful in determining what the unit is like. I would also look at the percentage of public land in the unit, and I would look at the total number of hunters (which can be found on the statistics page of CPW's website if GoHunt doesn't provide it). Those three things can be telling. For example, is the unit steep and rugged, is it heavily treed, is it more open, etc. The percentage of public land compared to the number of hunters can also be telling. Would you rather hunt a unit that is 25% public land with 1,000 hunters or a unit that is 75% public land with 2,000 hunters?

Again, there is no right or wrong answer to what unit you pick, as elk get killed in every unit every year. But those items can help you potentially whittle it down a little bit.

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