1st rifle season CO unit 18


New member
Jul 30, 2018
Heading out for my first trip to Colorado this year. Never hunted here  and was looking for any tips for this unit. I know it's not the greatest for harvest ratio, but am hoping to  find some elk and get my first one. Was going to  bring my ranger to try and get away  from main  roads and crowds and to get back a little before hitting the ground. Are there logging roads and such to access? Restrictions on UTV's in  that area?  Just trying to get some general info or tips. This will  be my second  elk  hunt.  First trip was Utah during archery season last  year with no success.  Needless to say, I am addicted
Look around here 1st season

Edit: deleted pic to preserve the location for the original poster.
Thanks for the tip! Def not trying to get into anyone's secret honey holes, but being from Michigan I don't have the ability to go scout very easily. I appreciate the help!
I've hunted 18 the past 5 years now, not hunting there this year and haven't been successful but I've found elk every year just haven't been able to close the deal. Lots of hunters, if you can find a way to get away from roads you're probably better off than most.

Good luck.
I am hoping I can find forest or logging trails to access with the ranger to get a little extra distance from the main roads before I hop on the shoe lace express. Are there any restrictions for UTV's in this unit? Or is it just stay on a path and don't go blazing your own?
Willdorf, to answer your questions regarding the UTV, yes, you need to stay on roads that allow access. You cannot just go driving it where you want to.

Check out the CPW Hunting Atlas: https://ndismaps.nrel.colostate.edu/

Once there, you can click the box on the lefthand side to show forest service roads. This will show you which roads and trails are there and what is accessible on each road or trail.

Good luck!
Thanks for the link Cohunter, I knew there would be the restriction of not blazing your own trails, it was more a questions of if there are certain trails you are not allowed to go down. I.E  here in MI some trails are not supposed to be ridden by a vehicle wider than 50 inches. Being as I have never hunted Colorado I want to make sure I am following as many of the smalls rules an out of stater might miss. Thanks for the help
I appreciate the input and tips from you guys. This will be my first trip with my dad on a big hunt so I am hoping to get my first elk and have him be there for it to really make it a memorable trip
I would say in 18 the majority of the trails will have signs posted on if they allow UTV's or not. In that area there is a very large number of trails. My recommendation would be to venture away from RMNP, I hunted the W edge of the park last year and unless you come in from the E your UTV won't be much help. Tons of hunters essentially hunt the border of the park. Ran into a few hunters that were successful but they put on some miles and had a camp setup pretty far back prior to the start of the season.

I've heard the troublesome area is good elk country but again I've heard its hard to access, even with a UTV because there are only a few points to get into it. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the tip, we have no problem putting boots to the ground and getting after it if that's what it takes. We are going to get to the Unit a few days before opening day and hopefully find some promising areas.

I can't thank everyone enough for the tips and advice. Most forums I have been apart of do not have many people that are trying to help each other bag an animal. This an awesome change and I am excited to be a part of it
The Troublesome is crowded.
Didnt used to be that way, but thanks to forums and podcasts.... well...

Good luck
I was also wondering about black bear in the unit. I see that you can get a tag for them. Is there a lot of bear in this area?
Plenty of bear. But since you cant bait, or use dogs, you're left with calling them or hopefully getting an opportunity at one
Thanks cnelk, do you know if I can buy the tag online like when I applied for the elk tag? or do you need to buy them from a sports shop or Walmart OTC? Here in Michigan you have to build enough points for the unit you want to hunt and I did not draw this year, so I am hoping for the chance at a decent sized bear. The average here is around 200 pounds
Willdorf, bear tags are not over the counter, you would need to buy a leftover tag. Currently there are only 5 tags available and they go on sale August 7th. However, those tags do not align with the 1st elk rifle season. The bear tag goes from Sept 2 - Sept 30.
Oh ok, Thanks cohunter. I was hoping they fell in the same time frame. Guess that gives me yet another reason to go back to CO in the future. haha. How is the weather out there during 1st rifle normally? I know it can change quickly in the mountains, but I am trying to figure out what I want to pack as far as my out layers. I way over packed for Utah last year
'Normally' it's pretty decent, highs in the 50's and 60's, lows around 30ish. But I've also hunted in 70+ at that time and I've also had over a foot of snow at that time. It can vary for sure! Best bet is to watch the weather as your hunt approaches and plan accordingly.
That was kind of what I figured, just watch and try to plan that way. Thanks for all the responses. Trying to learn from the mistakes I made in planning for Utah last year.

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