2 weeks until rifle season!

One week and counting...I\'ll be in camp with a cocktail in hand a week from right now. Can\'t wait! Final preparations are happening this weekend, we load up Thursday afternoon and depart Friday. My hunt will be a short one this year with me only hunting Sat-Mon afternoon, but I will have a full report back here as soon as I can :D
I feel like I\'m cheating you then, Derek. I leave before, and return after.....

I will have a similar cocktail in hand a week from now as well. hopefully one of celebration. :)

I depart in 92 hours, 20 minutes. :)
Good luck to you both. I hope the weather cooperates for you.
Be safe and take pics!
Shane, there is definitely some jealousy there! I wish my trip could be longer this year, but it is what it is. Next year I will be back for a full week, but this year I guess I just have to find a way to get it done quicker :D
My buddy and I will be heading up with bull tags for the first rifle season in CO this Friday after work. Will pack in a few miles to our camp, which will likley be in the dark and then hopefully hear them bugling in the morning! Went through and staged my gear, just need to get my food together and then load the pack - can\'t wait! Good luck everyone!
Good luck all you guys heading up for the opening rifle season. Hopefully the bulls will still be talking some. The last weekend of archery, they still were, but not at the level they were around the 20th. From the 13-20 they were BALLISTIC! Shoot straight & hang em on the meat pole! :upthumb:
well gents, I depart you now. I wont have service for 1.5 weeks, so I hope my next post on the 18th is a good one! :)

T minus zero!
\"Billy Goat\" said:
well gents, I depart you now. I wont have service for 1.5 weeks, so I hope my next post on the 18th is a good one! :)

T minus zero!

Good luck, Shane! Looking forward to hearing about your hunt.
Heading out now...will have a report back next week. Good luck to everyone else heading up!