2015 Deer meat pole!

My wife shot her a doe opening weekend. She\'s not a member here, I\'m just proud of her.


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Just back from the deer camp.. It was opening weekend of the anterless modern gun season and the grand kids were all there... 2 doe down... may have at least one picture and story later... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Nice doe Rick. Congrats to your wife.

Can\'t wait to hear to story and pics Phil.
Only one picture.. :( :( We were too busy playing with the 2 little grandboys and forgot to get their picture the the doe my oldest son kill with both of them in my stand with him... They are 5 and 6 years old... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

It started Sat morning early with the whole crew heading out to their stand... My oldest son and the 2 youngest went to my 4\' stand, #1 grandson went to his in the new cutover, #2 when to my powerline stan, #3 went with his dad to the ol\' stand close to camp and my oldest daughter in law to her stand at the corner of the new cutover...

#1 and his mother headed off to their stand in the new cutover with full instruction of how to find them by my oldest son... Needless to say everyone except #1 grandson and his mother made it to their stand without incident... Either they couldn\'t follow directions or the direction were not to easy to follow... The latter is what I figure...

1st morning was uneventful except for the little kids and my oldest son and all the text between all of them... Despite their best efforts of the kids my oldest son was able to killed a big old fat doe... This was after the young un\'s had managed to spook several... Like I said we had to much fun with the little kids we forgot to take any pictures...

Day 2 went about the same way but #1 grandson kill a nice doe out of the new cutover...

It was a good weekend to be with family... :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:

The picture of #1 grandson and his doe... :D :D

My daughter in law to this picture of her youngest and me at the skinning rack while he was cranking up the doe his dad shot... :D :D

OOHH to be young again... :angle: :angle:

And yep F M it\'s always fun to be around the grand kids and a plus when we are hunting somewhere.. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Yep! grandkids are the best! Can\'t wait til they are old enough to hunt. Oldest one is 5 so it won\'t be long.

Thanks for posting those pics Phil!
Congrats to EmbryOklahoma\'s wife and Ol\'Arky and his grandkids.

It won\'t be long before this thread gets really going!

Happy Hunting
[attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->20151017_105942.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]Shot this one this morning. He is a good buck for this area.


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Congrats Francis!!!!!
Great buck!!!!

The bladed brow looks nice and I see point for our team in the contest :)
I stink at telling stories. :lol: I have been watching the forecast all week as they were saying a cold front was coming this weekend so the deer should start moving. I woke up at 5am and looked and it was 28 degrees out. Took a fast shower and headed out early because I had a long walk to get to the stand I wanted to hunt because of the wind direction. Was in the stand about 15 min before day light. It was really quite out and cold. I like hunting when it\'s cold. About 8 I hear a couple of deer running and see a doe and fawn. They act spooked but the wind is in my favor. They settle down and feed away from me. Don\'t see anything till about 9:15 I see a couple of does feeding my way. I\'m watching them when the doe and fawn join them and come about 20 yards from my stand. I\'m standing facing them enjoying the show when they start looking my way. I\'m thinking they didn\'t see me did they? Then I hear what they are looking at. Footsteps behind me. I slowly turn my head and there he is 5 yards away watching the does. He walks about 3 yards from my tree and looks up. I\'m froze like a rock but he still spooks and starts running. When he takes off I draw back in case he stops. I am at full draw and let out a baaaahhhhh with my mouth and he stops 30 yards away quartering away. As soon as he stopped my arrow was away. It hit back and just came out behind the front shoulder on the far side. He ran off and I never heard him go down so I was a little worried. The does kept going over in the direction he run and would snort and blow so I hoped that was a good sign. I was texting Dan and Gary and they kept telling me it was a dead deer. I waited a hour on stand and got down and started looking. I found blood within 10 yards of where I shot him. :D I said a thank you to the man upstairs and kept following the blood. It didn\'t take long. He was laying 20 yards from where I saw him last. I was relived and happy he went down quickly.

He is a good buck for this area and I\'m happy as heck to get him.

I am a lot farther north than a lot of you but thought I would tell you that his neck is swollen already and his hocks are stinking already. The bucks are checking does all ready up here.
I was able to connect with this 5x5 this Sunday morning. Shot him at 7:30 in the morning with a 300 win mag. Saturday morning found us up bright an early, we were going to try a new spot this year but I think every other hunter was going to try out the same spot. We pulled into the parking spot and there were seven trucks already parked and one had six people with guns on there shoulders. We decided that this spot was not going to work so we headed to plan B. Well plan B had people in it already as well, so off we went to plan C ( got to love public ground). We get to our spot and I notice some movement in the grass about 100 yards away, I thought coyote, nope my coyote turned out to be a mtn lion. Thank god she decided to head the other direction. We spotted a couple does and some spikes and two points but no shooters.
We decide to head back into the same spot this morning, as we were hiking up the ravine I was shining my head lamp on the adjacent side and notice some shining eyes so I grabbed a brighter flash light thinking it was just a deer but wanted to make sure. I was wrong again it was the kitty cat again. I was a little on edge for the rest of the hike to our spot that we wanted to get to. It was just starting to get light when we sat on the rocks to start glassing. I picked up some does moving down the ridge 300 yards to our left, following the does about 100 yards were 3 more deer, two of them started sparring so we knew they were bucks but we couldn\'t make out how big they were till they silhouetted theirselves on the skyline. Being it was my time to shoot I set up on my back pack and let the big one have it. He jumped straight up in the air so I knew I hit him, he ran down hill and disappeared from sight. We packed our things up and made are way over, thinking he was just over the ridge. We found a little bit of blood where he was standing but that was it. We looked for over an hour with no luck finding the buck. We decided to head the only direction that we had not looked but it was the last place we thought a wounded deer would go. We had walked about 200yrds and then I saw something out of place under some bushes and there he was, what a relief. We made quick work of deboning and caping him out and made our way down to the truck. I think next year I might look into a different pack that has a meat shelf. I love my pack but it\'s not the best with a front and rear meat and head and cape.


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