2018 Hunt Update Thread

We didnt punch any tags this year, but it wasnt without a lot of effort and missed opportunities during the hot, dry weather.

Opening morning, a fellow I was with gut shot a cow that we never found.

A few days later I passed on a yearling cow, 3 miles deep.

Labor Day, my son and I called in a big bull to 25yds, but my arrow hit a limb and deflected the arrow into his shoulder. 2" penetration and broken arrow.

A week later my son and I slipped up on a herd of elk and called in a satellite bull to 40 yds. My shot was low

Last Thursday, 3 of us using the 'Triangle' called in 2 bulls that came trotting in together. The front shooter had one at 25yds but the bull stopped behind a tree.

Last Friday eve, my buddy and I walked up this old logging road to the end, set up and started calling. I had the road behind me figuring any elk would approach from the front.

Nope. After about 20 mins, I head a 'thunk' of a hoof knock and see this 5x5 walking right up the road behind me at 22yds.
I drew and waited for about a minute for an opening but it never came.

Sunday morning we snuck up on a small herd in the timber and my buddy got a shot at a cow, but once again, the arrow hit a limb.

I learned that EVERYONE hunts the last week and blows on bugles.

Every elk I called in came in silent. I had MUCH better opportunities hunting the pre-rut and that will be my plan from now on.

Anyone know why pictures aren't able to view.  Having trouble see what others posted

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tiberiuswade said:
Anyone know why pictures aren't able to view.  Having trouble see what others posted

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It must be an issue with Tapatalk. The website is working fine and all images show up.
cohunter14 said:
tiberiuswade said:
Anyone know why pictures aren't able to view.  Having trouble see what others posted

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

It must be an issue with Tapatalk. The website is working fine and all images show up.
Notice the pictures or not jgp, but png extensions. This maybe issue?

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tiberiuswade said:
cohunter14 said:
tiberiuswade said:
Anyone know why pictures aren't able to view.  Having trouble see what others posted

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

It must be an issue with Tapatalk. The website is working fine and all images show up.
Notice the pictures or not jgp, but png extensions. This maybe issue?

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

Tapatalk sometimes has these issues for some reason. It should be working soon.
Heading out this morning for a quick weekend warrior cow hunt. Got until early afternoon on Monday to get it done, which isn't a lot of time but we'll hope for the best. Good luck to anyone else heading out!
cohunter14 said:
Heading out this morning for a quick weekend warrior cow hunt. Got until early afternoon on Monday to get it done, which isn't a lot of time but we'll hope for the best. Good luck to anyone else heading out!

Good luck! I'm doing the same in Unit 1. Need to fill the freezer as I haven't gotten anything this year.
Well, I'm back from our quick trip to the high country for the second rifle season. Hunted a new area and, considering that, had some relatively decent success.

Opening morning me and two other guys in our camp made an 8 1/4 mile loop through some gorgeous country. 3 1/2 miles back we ran into some really fresh sign and began still hunting through some thick dark timber. The other two had bull tags, I had a cow tag, and of course I ended up jumping a bull roughly 50 yards out. It would have been extremely difficult to get a shot anyway, but because it was a bull I didn't end up pursuing it. Unfortunately, a couple of our other guys were across a canyon glassing back towards us and saw that bull as he and two cows came out into a wide open meadow. I guess we should have continued the pursuit  :crazy:

Sunday morning we also got on another bull. Two of our guys were up glassing a hillside and spotted him right above me. I grabbed one of the other guys who had a bull tag and we pursued him, but never got eyes on him. The crappy part is if I was with the guys glassing, I could have easily set one of them up for a shot with my rifle as I'm dialed in well past the distance they spotted the bull, but it was outside of their comfort range with their rifle.

Sunday evening my dad got some news that his mom wasn't doing to well, so we decided to skip the morning hunt on Monday and bail out to get home.

Overall, it was a great time with a great group of guys. I knew going in that it was going to be tough to punch some tags doing the 'weekend warrior' thing, but it's what we were left with after taking a full week for our archery hunt. I'm pleased that we were able to get on some elk, but at the same time I'm unsure if we will continue hunting that area or try another new spot next year simply due to the lack of cows in the area (some of us have to hunt cows as we hunt OTC either sex tags for archery). I guess we'll see!

I can't believe the season is over already and the freezer sits empty. Time to fill it up with some deer and antelope I guess!
Crap Derek - was hoping to see a picture of you by a big ol' cow.  Best of luck on your deer and antelope hunts.

FYI - I know a cattle farmer in Alamosa where you can get a grass fed beef for approximately $4/lb if your other hunts aren't successful.

Still 'owe' you a picture of my bull from this season - trying to finish up the Euro.
Well my first weekend of 2nd season was a success. I've never been in the woods and experienced what I did, this hunt was a complete dream. I had bulls bugling from the moment I set up camp to the moment I left. I only had a cow tag, but that didn't matter, the amount of action I had with Bulls was incredible.

While I was quartering my Cow I had 2 bulls bugling back and forth the entire time, no more than 200 yards from me. I saw some monster bulls and got to within bow range on a few others. I now know what my absolute dream hunt is with a bow.

I'm heading back out this weekend to see if I can fill my Mule deer tag.
Congrats Elk Noob!  That young cow will be tasty(as I think you found out with the tenderloins)!

Best of luck on filling your mule deer tag.
Elk Noob said:
Well my first weekend of 2nd season was a success. I've never been in the woods and experienced what I did, this hunt was a complete dream. I had bulls bugling from the moment I set up camp to the moment I left. I only had a cow tag, but that didn't matter, the amount of action I had with Bulls was incredible.

While I was quartering my Cow I had 2 bulls bugling back and forth the entire time, no more than 200 yards from me. I saw some monster bulls and got to within bow range on a few others. I now know what my absolute dream hunt is with a bow.

I'm heading back out this weekend to see if I can fill my Mule deer tag.

Congrats again on punching the tag and best of luck on the mulie!
Elk Noob said:
Well my first weekend of 2nd season was a success. I've never been in the woods and experienced what I did, this hunt was a complete dream. I had bulls bugling from the moment I set up camp to the moment I left. I only had a cow tag, but that didn't matter, the amount of action I had with Bulls was incredible.

While I was quartering my Cow I had 2 bulls bugling back and forth the entire time, no more than 200 yards from me. I saw some monster bulls and got to within bow range on a few others. I now know what my absolute dream hunt is with a bow.

I'm heading back out this weekend to see if I can fill my Mule deer tag.

Good luck on the mule deer hunt
Thanks guys, as I'm sure you can tell I've been extremely amped on my last weekends hunt. I am still hearing bugles in my head haha.

I do have a question for some that have hunted in required CWD testing units. My Mule Deer tag is for unit 45 and it is included in the mandatory testing area. Can I just bring the head, or do I need to bring the carcass etc? Also, could I bring the 1/4's to the processor and just bring the head to the CWD testing area? Lastly, if I do manage to get a nice Buck and want a mount how does the CWD testing affect that or does it? I would likely do a Euro mount.
Noob, just have to bring in the head.  Follow transportation rules on meat to processor and head to CWD(like a taxidermist).  Just happened to have my regs handy and found the website link that has a lot of info.


My suggestion is to print all the pages out but DON'T read them until AFTER you have a buck down!  I seem to jinx myself by doing things before the hunt like lining up a butcher, figuring out how I want it processed and how much sausage, calling my taxidermist to see how far out he is, etc...
colorado russ said:
Crap Derek - was hoping to see a picture of you by a big ol' cow.  Best of luck on your deer and antelope hunts.

FYI - I know a cattle farmer in Alamosa where you can get a grass fed beef for approximately $4/lb if your other hunts aren't successful.

Still 'owe' you a picture of my bull from this season - trying to finish up the Euro.

Thanks for the offer Russ! I'll keep that in mind for sure. Hopefully I won't need it...
Put that tank of a muley buck down and you won't need any beef!

Wife and I sure like a t-bone or bone-in ribeye as a break from the game meat.  Since it's all natural and grass fed, the taste is great and pretty lean.  Plus, we'd split it with others and get 125 lbs for $500 including steaks, roasts and burger.

Aggressive va passive. Long time rifle Hunter who finally picked up a bow this year. I'm hooked. Never knew I could be so aggressive with elk, but deffinately learned when not to be as well

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