A better hunter

Well I think answering a good skill we have learned, developed, or that make us a better hunter is a good thing to talk about too.
Being sneaky ties in great when still hunting (I would imagine) and is definitely one skill I am not experienced enough with yet.

If I had to pick one skill that I think makes me a better hunter is my land navigation skills.
I am not sure if this can even be an answer, but it\'s mine.
I got my first compass and topo map at age 5 and learned how to use it in the north maine woods.
I also was never really inside all of my life. I spent most of my time (and still do) playing in the woods.

So here is why I tie this to elk hunting or any hunting. I have met a lot of people who are intimidated by the woods and the unknown. This impacts their hunts and they can\'t put in their all to the hunt.
I do have a gps, but it\'s not my primary nav tool. I just have it.
When I enter the woods, I am confortable. I can spend all day \"losing\" myself in the woods or focusing on the hunt. Not so much worrying about getting out. I\'ve always just had a way with the woods and I think taking that burden off my shoulders makes me better.
For elk...I haven\'t cracked that nut yet. I\'m still working out like elk season starts next month though. I guess dedication. This past season was awesome. The whole experience hooked me like nothing before. I truly believe once I kill my first bull I\'ll know the answer to that question. For now just keep working out to be in the best shape I can be. Study maps and know the area I\'m going to hunt. Shoot my bow everyday until 70 yards feels like 20 and sooner or later it will all come togehter.
\"razorback\" said:
For elk...I haven\'t cracked that nut yet. I\'m still working out like elk season starts next month though. I guess dedication. This past season was awesome. The whole experience hooked me like nothing before. I truly believe once I kill my first bull I\'ll know the answer to that question. For now just keep working out to be in the best shape I can be. Study maps and know the area I\'m going to hunt. Shoot my bow everyday until 70 yards feels like 20 and sooner or later it will all come togehter.

Don\'t forget to study elk behavior. The more you know about your prey. The easier it becomes to kill one.

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