Any Elk?

I never heard of Boone and Crocket or Pope and Young as a kid. I don\'t remember when I first paid attention to what they were about, enough to take note. To me there was nothing better than a fat three or four point buck or a large fat bull. I admit that a high scoring bull would be great, but I am not holding out for one. Spoon and crockpot will always come first. :D
I have an idea prompted from Swedes post.

How about we have a Spoon & Crockpot Award this year???
Anything over a 4 point is disqualified ;)

I like it!
I like to eat venison. Deer, Antelope, Moose, Elk, all of it.
If a cow should happen to give me a good shot opportunity, I\'m going to take it and I will have no regrets.
\"cnelk\" said:
I have an idea prompted from Swedes post.

How about we have a Spoon & Crockpot Award this year???
Anything over a 4 point is disqualified ;)

I like it!

Awww, no fair!

Every bull I ever shot always managed to sneak in that little 5th point!

\"cnelk\" said:
I have an idea prompted from Swedes post.

How about we have a Spoon & Crockpot Award this year???
Anything over a 4 point is disqualified ;)

I like it!

Now that is funny!

I will only kill a mature bull for the areas I hunt. I pass on a smaller bulls, cows, and calfs. I never regret holding out, and would never trade the experiences that has provided me. Come to think of it I don\'t remember having a chance at a cow, calf in many years based on the way I hunt. And only a few reg horns most have been mature bulls even when I\'m calling for someone which is only a few I never get upset if they pass as well looking for a larger one. I don\'t consider myself a trophy hunter by any means, but I do enjoy large alters along with a lot more meat from mature bulls.
I\'m pretty much with Stillhunter, except with a bow during the rut. If it gets down to the last few days I\'ll gladly shoot any legal bull unless I\'m onto a real gagger. I\'ve gone empty before when grabbing for the brass ring, and a couple of those seasons were my best hunting seasons ever.
\"Deertick\" said:
I did change to \"Any elk\" last year, and now I\'m back to \"Bull only\".
Plus ... last year I shot a cow on day 3 of a weeklong hunt and I was bummed immediately ... I would have to leave the hills, and that\'s not good.
i feel the same way. as much fun as it would be to finally take an elk with my bow. i know that i would feel disappointed \" sacrificing for a cow\" and ending my hunt early. thats why i prioritize. early on is a big bull, then a small bull, then a spike, then a cow. if on the last day, anything goes.... in my mind, i can justify ending my hunt early with a big bull.... i was tired by the last day of my hunt. i had several ups and downs, major emotional moments. i was ready to leave, when the storm rolled in. but.... driving off of the mountain was very sad.... and i was ready to go back by day 4 at home!
Any elk?? It all depends on how much meat we have in the freezer and how much time I have off from work
If someone could explain the meaning of \"MANY\" I might fall within that category
The first colorado rifle elk season is very short and as a rule of thumb we work bulls for the first 2 days and then after that...well times up
I\'ve taken calf cow and bull and on all occasions my head was held high
I don\'t hunt any elk. I hunt for mature bulls. Personally I love the challenge. However, I think a mature cow is probably equally as hard to kill. For me it feels like if you shoot a mature bull, you\'re doing something right. It seems like every year I learn more of the subtle nuances about elk behavior when I target big bulls.

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