Can't do pics but I have had some success guessing where elk are bedding based off of likelihood of use. Looks for saddles up above water with good timber cover.
I've been using bing maps. Pretty easy to see the game trails (can't say they are elk) leading from wet areas into the darker woods. Here is an example:
one area I look closely at is benches in bowls above creek bottoms preferably in close proximity to headwaters where the creeks/ streams originate. good luck
Benches or saddles above water generally are where to look for elk bedding areas? I can not find the bedding area in my spot. I found where they drink where they rub I found a cple spots where It looke like they had bedded once but nothing consostent
I came across a bunch of bed this summer midway through archery season. They were consistently more than two or three nights passed without new or moved beds...I cant see those bedding areas on GM...But I can see the beat up trails used to get in and out of the area...