Attaching Antlers to a Euro Skull

Actually, many taxidermist use a similar method. But most of them use 1/4 inch (square) bar stock instead of the all thread you used. The square stock is usually epoxied into the scull but not the antler. This makes the antlers removable for getting into doorways or for shipping purposes. Also by being square, it insures that the antlers have to be placed on exactly the same way each time they are removed. It is very handy if you ever consider moving your trophy.
ahh, I didn\'t look close enough.... :oops: didn\'t even think about what was needed to do for the freeze drying...
Russel, The square bar sounds good for that application. Seems the only trick would be the square hole in the antlers! How did they do that? Perhaps an oversize hole, epoxy and lots of release agent on the bar?
The square stock is actually really sweet, but its to difficult to do with a euro in this situation.
It is only used in situations where the skull has been caped and you can drill from underneath up into the pedicals and then into the antlers. The hole is drilled large, like 1/2 inch and the square stock lets say 1/4 is covered in bondo and pushed up into the hole. After curing the antlers can be cut off with the stock already up in the bone, this way its a perfect match. But you have to have the skull cut off for a sholder mount to get to the drill location under the antlers and in the skull plate. Would have been the best choice if we were not doing a eruo on it.

From what I know it is best to hit the velvet antlers once in a while with raid or a bug bomb. I set one off once a quarter in the shop and trophy room, but i also have a giant tank full of flesh eating beetles :)

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