Bear Hunt


New member
Mar 23, 2014
Well, I learned something today. I always thought OTC with caps tags meant you had to have a big game tag to match the OTC tag to get it. That\'s true with the rifle seasons, but not with archery and muzzleloaders. When I found out that I called the DOW, and checked if there were any OTC muzzy tags left for my units. Yup! There\'s 19 left. That\'s understandable, because this is a lousy area for bears. Only one was killed last year.

I don\'t care about success rates. I want to hunt the muzzy season in my unit. I\'m going nuts staying home. So, i\'m off to buy a tag, and next Sat my hunt starts for bear. Chance for success is slim, but i\'ll be hobbling along on a gimpy knee with a big smile on my face. I\'m hunting!
Very cool Pete! I\'m jealous, I\'ll still be sitting at home counting down the days...
That\'s what I get is OTC with Caps for bear tags

Get the tag and go look and listen for ravens about mid day.
They will tell you of any gut piles or carcasses in the vicinity.

Then make a blind and smoke a bear

Good luck!
Thanks guys. Good tip about the birds Brad. I also have a few areas that have huckleberry bushes up in the deep timber at small parks. About 10,500 ft or so. Then I have gut piles, and as a last resort I can try to call one in.

Pete calling? What\'s the world coming to?
No, but I could use some. I have no excuse. I\'ve decided to call with a clear mind.
Good luck and be safe Pete... :upthumb: :upthumb: I knew ya would figure out a way to break out the ol\' side lock.... :clap: :clap:
I know. I couldn\'t believe I wasn\'t going to hunt the mountains in Sept. It so beautiful up there with the leaves changing, and cool mornings.
Congrats Pete! Glad it worked out for you.

Does this mean I could buy OTC archery tags in certain units without having to pull a big game tag?
Yes, that\'s what it means. I can\'t believe I didn\'t realize that all these years. It\'s not real clear in the brochure. I had to call the DOW, and the first guy I talked to thought the same way I used to. I got him to double check, and he admitted he was wrong.

Anyway, I bought the tag today, and it wouldn\'t have gone through if I need a big game tag to go with it. So, you can do the same for bow season. You\'re lucky. You\'d get a whole month to hunt bears. I just get the 9 days of muzzy season. That should be plenty with my gimpy knee.
Awesome to know!!! I may have to look into some leftover bow tags!

I hope you have a successful hunt! Good luck
I\'m glad I grabbed this tag now. I have a gut feeling about this winter coming early. I\'ll need to get over Cottonwood Pass (12,500ft) to get to the OTC unit for elk. They close the pass every year according to how much snow it gets. Last night it got snow. It won\'t amount to much, and will melt off fast. Especially with the nice weather starting Sat. However, it is a sign of what to expect this year. Maybe.

So, no matter how the bear hunt turns out. I\'m just going to enjoy my time in the mountains. It might be the only hunt I get this year.
Pete, you are a mess! I think you should sit in a padded room until your hunt comes up :lol:
I was watching the Broncos almost throw the game away.

Off to bed. I have to get up early in the morning.