cohunter14\'s 2016 Rifle Hunt Recap

I quickly tried to get back on the scope to see if my shot connected and I catch a glimpse out of my scope of what I think is the elk. I come off the scope to double check if what I am seeing is correct. It is! He dropped on the shot and is rolling down the hill! We watch him continue to tumble down the hill a good hundred yards and the high fiving and celebration commences! This has to go down as one of my coolest moments, if not the coolest, as a hunter. To get to make a great shot and then celebrate with two others who had put in so much work was just awesome! It was the ultimate team effort and to share the excitement of all that work paying off was outstanding.

I\'ll leave out all the details on the packout, but let\'s just say it sucked something awful. The bull died all contorted in the trees and trying to quarter him on that steep of a slope was brutal. It also made for some very difficult trophy pictures, but we did our best. I took the shot at 9:20am and we didn\'t get back to camp with all of the meat until 4:30 that afternoon with four of us packing it out. There was a few moments where I was laughing, telling the others to enjoy the pack out because I\'ll never shoot one up here again. But now that I\'m back home and the soreness has subsided a bit, I\'m not so sure... :lol:

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I\'ll try to post more pictures later. For some reason it isn\'t working well for me right now...
Congrats Derek...Heck of a nice bull...

You said the others were not comfortable with the shot distance and I know you practice them sooooooo.......

Tell us the details. close you hit to your point of aim......bullet used.....

I am sure that 300 Ultra is a flat shooter but how does it kick? My 300 WM kicks like a mule with 180gr.
attaboy! wahoo.

steaks are never so delicious as when carried in a backpack over hill and dale, and blowdown, and rock, and well..... you get the picture.

congrats to fellow team 6 member!!!!
Wooohoooo!!!!! What a great bull :upthumb:
Congrats Derek.... I mean sniper.

Just seeing .300 ultra mag makes my arm hurt....
Congrats Derek on you and your crew sticking it out \'til the end. Great team effort and great bull.
Way to go Derek. Too bad you didn\'t have your own hand made knife to cut him up with. :lol: Congrats! :dance2:
\">>>---WW---->\" said:
Way to go Derek. Too bad you didn\'t have your own hand made knife to cut him up with. :lol: Congrats! :dance2:

As soon as I get some time, that will get done Bill. :D

Thanks to everyone else for the notes!

Terry, it is a 300 Ultra Mag using 230 grain Berger Hybrids. The recoil isn\'t all that terrible, especially when shooting it prone. I feel like prone really allows the ground to absorb a bunch of the recoil. I have shot it off-hand as well, like when I shot my bull last year, but you never notice recoil when you are shooting an animal :D Truly the only time I think about the recoil is when I\'m practicing, so I do all of my practicing prone instead of off a bench and it\'s a non issue. The one time I shot it off a bench it punished me a little bit. I also have a nice Bell and Carlson stock on it that added a little weight and is very rigid, which I think helped tone down the recoil as well. Truthfully if I had to do it over again, I\'d probably just get a 300 Win Mag...I don\'t NEED the flat shooting bullets because all of that goes away when you start dialing your scope at distance, but then again it\'s hard to argue with results :D

For anyone curious, the gun is a Remington 700 SPS. I added the Bell and Carlson Alaskan II stock, bedded the recoil lug, and added a Timney trigger. It\'s topped with a Vortex Viper PST in 4-16x50. I was lucky that just doing those modifications and working up a good load produced a sub 1/2 MOA rifle. It was definitely the cheap route in doing it.

The shot itself hit just a little back of where I was aiming. We did the gutless method, so I didn\'t do a huge autopsy on him, but I did notice that the bullet fragmented a little bit and we found one piece that took out a nice chunk of the spine. That was great in getting him down, but we did lose a little bit of backstrap. With the severe uphill angle on the shot, I\'m guessing the bullet hit a rib on entrance and came apart a little bit with one piece going up into the spine. It was cool to see the bull just drop and start rolling down the hill though. I\'ve never seen that before except on TV shows.
Derek, Thanks for the notes. Sounds like you hit near your mark. Sounds like a good shooting rifle too.
Here are some pictures I took for someone comparing this bull to my bull last year. Figured some of you might be interested...

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Here is one of the three of us:

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By the way, I apologize for the blood on the antlers. I did my best to take a clean picture, but unfortunately I didn\'t have anything with me to wipe up the dried blood for the picture.

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