Colorado 0 pt draw

are you looking to draw or over the counter? whats a 0 pt draw? Colorado had a bunch od maps that had draw units and statistics on them if you print them off and lay them out like a big map of the state it makes way more sense.
I've been hunting otc the last cple years and am trying to escape some of the crowds. A 0 pt draw unit would be one that I have to put in for the draw to get but I can get without having any pts. I've found 20 gmu's that colorado offers. I'm just having a hard time deciding. Also if I decide to just buy one pp this year for elk and don't put I for any specific gmu can I still buy an OTC tag?
i didnt realize you had to have a point to apply for some of the draw units. i am not fully up to date on all of Colorado's draw rules if it were me and i lived there or near id pick a couple of the good ones and make a few road trip weekends to investigate. if thats not an option call the blm department or conservation department and see what they can give you. can you buy a point? i know i have been buying points in some states so when i put in i have a better chance mostly utah, arizona and whyoming. if you dont get drawn will you get a point in a 0 draw unit? lol i know this doesnt help much but hey sometimes ideas come from conversation. 
If you put in for points you can pick up an OTC tag.  When you apply it actually asks you if you want to purchase an OTC tag if you do not draw (which if you put in for points you will just get the OTC tag).  If you do it this way you avoid paying the $40 fee that you are charged for the point.  If you had a tag the year before I believe the $40 fee is also waived.

Sorry I can't help you with the 0 point draw units, I haven't ever hunted in one.
cowboystl1 said:
you can just buy a point with out a tag in colorado cant you?

You have to do it through the draw system.  You have to put in the point code instead of the hunt code.  You do have to submit the fee for a cow tag ($451) and you also have to purchase a wildlife stamp for $10.  They refund you all but $40 of the tag fee, a couple months later of course. 
ElkManDan is right. And you will get all but $13 back if you purchased a qualifying license in the previous year(An Big Game license for example). You won't get the $10 habitat stamp fee back or the $3 Processing fee. If you didn't buy a big game license or a different qualifying license in Colorado in the previous year then $40 preference point fee comes into play, plus the processing and Habitat stamp. Hope this helps. Good Luck!

You can draw unit 33 with no points. We drew it last year. There were a ton of people though.

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