Colorado is hitting credit cards...

Billy Goat said:
I'm happy to report that my group drew.  1st rifle.

this year, we will have 3 generations in camp.  my boy, me, my dad. Pretty cool and probably a short window. Eventually, teh boy will go off to college, and the old man will just get too danged old to chase elk. So I'm thankful for the chance.  :)

if we kill something, that'd just be a bonus. :)

Congrats on everyone drawing Shane, that's awesome! Can't wait to hear the story of the hunt  :upthumb:
Drew 2nd Rifle Unit 35 Deer, and Unit 35 Bear.

I've had a bear tag the last 4 years while Elk hunting and have had a few chances, don't know if I'd take a bear. I like having the tag in case I see a monster, but i'm not really out there after a bear.
Drew my rifle bear tag. But no surprise on that

Ive had bear tags in the past, but they turned out to be more 'bear opportunity' tags

This year, with my hunt schedule, Im actually going to 'hunt bear'
cnelk said:
Drew my rifle bear tag. But no surprise on that

Ive had bear tags in the past, but they turned out to be more 'bear opportunity' tags

This year, with my hunt schedule, Im actually going to 'hunt bear'

I was gonna say something but it slipped my mind...

Oh I remember... Stay warm...

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