Dan Going Lefty...

\"elky McElkerson\" said:
good luck!!

i\'m gonna do this as well. in the past a friend loaned me and extra lefty SBXT he owned and i had it set up. had to change cams to shorten DL, etc. i shot it very well..but i only got out to 30 yards. i had one single issue. it was pretty much a yard sale when i had to handle the arrows. loading the bow, stuffing them back into the quiver. i am \"almost\" ambidextrous..i can write okay..i can work chopsticks awesome. i suspect i will train my body/mind fairly quickly.

i shoot my current righty bow pretty well, but i\'ve always felt a wall before me when it came to my eye dominance thing. plus my left eye is damn near bionic compared to my right.

it will bum me out having to order a lefty bow sight unseen since the bow industry seems to have a blanket \"red headed stepchild\" policy with the smaller half of the population. oh well.

Good luck on your change, Cliff!!!!

I truly believe it\'s the best way. NO longer do I have to try real hard to open my right eye while shooting righty.
I also will focus a lot quicker now on the target verse me using my right eye. The perks are endless.
\"mtnmutt\" said:
Welcome to the righty went lefty club!

My original bow was RH (1st bow). I knew I was LED. My right eye is super weak. However, I was too chicken to go LH for my first bow. I kept my RH bow because finding a 24DL LH bow in Pro Shops is impossible. In fact, I am doing this now...shooting my original RH bow before hitting the Pro Shops to find a more shoulder friendly LH bow to replace my current LH bow (2nd bow).

When I went from RH to LH bow
  • Replaced caliper release with hook release...SOOOOO much easier[/*:m:3g0gtt8u]
  • Took one private lesson...my form was horrible when I switched to lefty[/*:m:3g0gtt8u][/list:u:3g0gtt8u]
    Using my stronger left eye, I became more comfortable shooting >30 yards. I was never very good using my weaker right eye for shooting >30 yards.

    Good Luck!

  • Thanks for the welcome! :welcome:
    The hook release really seems like the best route and hearing other people going from righty to lefty recommending it, pretty much seals the deal!

    I also plan to work hard with some people on my form and I will definitely put in the time practicing.
    I want to have every extra advantage this year going in with my better eye, so I am not slacking on this process.
i think your form will be fine. mine was.

that part felt natural. the rest..hahahh...DERRR!

hook release check!! if i got lefty, i will drop to 60lb limbs.
There is a long beard or two that will probably notice the difference this year! Better sight and new equipment. :upthumb:
I\'ll go play with some hook ones this weekend.
It\'s going to be so hard to retire Ol\' faithful :shifty: :(
re: 4 fletch

This will eliminate having to put your arrow on the string a certain way which, along with a hook style release, will make things faster and simpler in the field if you ever need to nock an arrow fast or take a second shot. I\'ve been shooting 4 fletch for years now and will likely never go back to 3. It requires a loprofile vane though. Blazer types are a poor design for 4 F. Good luck! If Mark is helping you, you are in good hands. He is out of his mind for both archery and bowhunting :upthumb: and knows his stuff
\"otcWill\" said:
re: 4 fletch

This will eliminate having to put your arrow on the string a certain way which, along with a hook style release, will make things faster and simpler in the field if you ever need to nock an arrow fast or take a second shot. I\'ve been shooting 4 fletch for years now and will likely never go back to 3. It requires a loprofile vane though. Blazer types are a poor design for 4 F. Good luck! If Mark is helping you, you are in good hands. He is out of his mind for both archery and bowhunting :upthumb: and knows his stuff

I appreciate the kinds words but I would be more likely to say I am just out of my mind and I like to set in treestands, blinds and hike the mountains for fun and do very little killing anymore. :p
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
Do you need to reverse the helical when swapping hands? Sorry for dumb que.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.
Not a dumb q. It comes up frequently. Nope, no need to switch helix. Left or right helix will work.
Yes, good luck with the switch. I shot left handed for 17 years and then switched to right handed. The hardest part was at first I always grabbed by bow with the wrong hand. Best thing I ever did to improve my shooting ability.

Happy Hunting
New arrows ordered.... all bow stuff is ordered....

My bow and full set up will be done in less than 10 days :dance2:
I picked up my bow tonight and shot 3 arrows with the bow owner to see how it went.....

my 3 arrows stacked ontop of each other and could not have been any tighter of a group unless I robin hooded....

Im gonna like this lefty bow...

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