Do you shoot?

Does it make everyone angry that I say I would take the shot? :D I hate to sound like a jerk.....but that was my plan. Does a thread where everyone says \"no\" really sink in to those that would take the shot?

Every year I hear of guys/gals taking boarder line shots and hear bad stories of wounded elk. These are great hunters that spend a lot of time at the range. I think even though you say you wouldn\'t, many of you here would take the shot in the heat of moment. Do I have a valid point on being able to make the shot....sure I do. And I know theirs many of you out there that are telling yourself right now that you\'d be able to sneak an arrow in. You\'ve practiced so much and know your bow so well that you can take those borderline shots.

Missing a target is not the same as missing an elk! We as hunters have the responsiblity to make sure every shot is clean and ethical no matter how big the bull is. Just because you can make the trick shots on the range, does not mean the same shots are ethical on a bull.

I called in a 5x5 for my son the second day of the season last year. The bull was 40 yards away standing broad side. My son was only good for 30 yards....but did practice out to 40. He went full draw.......but did not shoot. And I was more proud of him for being ethical than if he would have bagged it.

Just because you\'ve never wounded an elk doesn\'t mean you wont.

So if you were siding with my devils advacate approach, then ask yourself, is the shot presented really worth it?

My 2-cents and worth nothing more!
We not only need to know our surroundings and equipment, but equally important we need to know our ability. We need to respect our query. Once I have satisfied those things, it is time to shoot. I am not normally going to tell someone they can\'t do something, but if they miss and wound the animal, I reserve the right to be upset with them. I suppose we have all missed. That is not the issue here. In this case we know it is a very difficult shot. If you are not certain, then wait or pass. That is the only honorable option then.

\"cnelk\" said:
JFAre you saying I dont know my setup?And maybe I dont do any advance testing with my archery setup?

Maybe in our case Brad, we do know our ability, the situation, and our equipment, and the risk is too high.
Personally if I do not have at least a 90% assurance I can make that shot, then I should pass. Some may question why not 100%. Well the animal could move or I could make a mistake. Last September by not focusing properly, I caught a little part of my vest with my bow string. The result was I needed to wait for hours before I went after my deer. It was still alive, but I was able to get close enough to finish it off. That was no shot I would brag about, even though I got the buck.
\"JohnFitzgerald\" said:
Does it make everyone angry that I say I would take the shot? I hate to sound like a jerk.....but that was my plan. Does a thread where everyone says \"no\" really sink in to those that would take the shot?

No, It does not bother me that you would not restrict your shot to what I am comfortable with. Real or imagined. I would not judge you on that basis. I would not quit you because you tried and failed. I would try to reason with you, and determine if you had a lack of respect for the elk. If that was the case, then I would choose not to hunt with you. I have made far too many mistakes in this life, and misjudged things too often, to get that arrogant.
\"cnelk\" said:
Are you saying I dont know my setup?
And maybe I dont do any advance testing with my archery setup?

Nope! But I can gaurentee there are others out there that think they know their setup better than you and will take the shot because of it :D
You had me wondering John :D
\"JohnFitzgerald\" said:
\"cnelk\" said:

Are you saying I dont know my setup?
And maybe I dont do any advance testing with my archery setup?

Nope! But I can gaurentee there are others out there that think they know their setup better than you and will take the shot because of it :D

I agree John I just hope they realize that targets don\'t move or have a gust of wind come up and shut that little window down.

That is great to here about your son. Maybe this year it will be different for him. :upthumb:
The general theme of this thread was \"No I will not take the shot\". Honestly, I\'m one of them.

Does this flavor of thread really have an impact on those who have the shoot at anything ethic? Not a chance in hell! They would have given no second thought on taking this shot. But now, maybe just maybe others will question their reasons to shoot . If I have to play devils advacate to bring these reasons to the surface, then so be it. I got my big boy pants on today! :agg: :D

I did not announce that I was playing devils advacate because I want the first string team on the field! :)

I\'m supprised nobody got my hint that I really wouldn\'t have taken the shot......\"I\'m the first person everyone complains about because I DIDN\'T take the shot.\"

Anyways, hope I at least conviced someone to consider not taking a borderline shot next year. GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
\"mainebrdr\" said:
OK that\'s just not playing fair! Patriots?? :p


The 1 yard line and Seattle throws a pass instead of giving the ball to one of the best running backs in the league. :wtf:
In my opinion playing devils advocate is fine if stated up front John. When it is constantly being played without stating it upfront can jeopardize future posts when someone is being serious to the validity of a persons input. Having someone on the other spectrum of the what if\'s is fine once pre stated, I believe that is heathy, but to go to the extreme and not say anything is not for a healthy discussion. Yes, I know this is your guy\'s site and this is my two cents but again when any one of my employees deploy the same tactic without stating it up front it becomes somewhat distractive and un productive. I like this site because everyone seems to strait forward and up front. I hope it stays that way.

Craig Kelly
How many of these type of threads get a few posts and quickly move to the bottom? I watched so many come and go with no discussion, even when I ask for more conversation or opposite opinion. It\'s almost as if those that really need the help are afraid to post. If I had stated DA up front, I garentee that participation would have been extremely low and many strong opinions would have been left out. It\'s not about the amount of posts, but it is about relating to those that really need the help. Straight forward is that many reading this thread would have agreed with my DA opinion. That\'s the sad thing.

It\'s has nothing to do with it being our forum, because in reality it\'s everyone\'s forum.

Like I stated, it\'s about helping the ones that need help. Letting these threads roll to the bottom is in my opinion the most unproductive we can be. But nobody wants to with me.

Craig, I see your point and I think we can work on it to improve. I knew fairly early that this was going to become a mock debate. I did not have a script of anyone\'s post nor did they have one of mine. All of us here are committed to making this the best on-line hunting forum available. We appreciate your feedback and will take stock of it.
The truth is I was not sure early on, John was being the devil\'s advocate. I have never been one to think he needs a spokesman. A friend perfectly drilled a relaxed buck standing at 80 yards, after ranging it. I know some people are excellent shots and can do things I can\'t. I have nothing to say to that individual except, you da man. Another fellow cut a deer\'s throat at 80 yards. I know he did not aim there, and he wounds deer, and he misses frequently. His philosophy is \"you won\'t git something if ya don\'t shoot\". I have no use for, and would not have him in my camp.
The bottom line is, I see what you are getting at. With all the different types out there, it is hard to know when someone is pretending and when they are real. For the newbie it is likely impossible to know. We will work on your request.
I\'m not taking the shot. I\'ll wait. I will say if the bull was a target in my yard... I think I would be able to make the shot many times. I understand where JF is coming from though. It\'s a healthy debate but bottom line as bow hunters it\'s up to each of us to respect our game do our best each and every time to make a clean quick kill.
\"JohnFitzgerald\" said:
The general theme of this thread was \"No I will not take the shot\". Honestly, I\'m one of them.

Does this flavor of thread really have an impact on those who have the shoot at anything ethic? Not a chance in hell! They would have given no second thought on taking this shot. But now, maybe just maybe others will question their reasons to shoot . If I have to play devils advacate to bring these reasons to the surface, then so be it. I got my big boy pants on today! :agg: :D

I did not announce that I was playing devils advacate because I want the first string team on the field! :)

I\'m supprised nobody got my hint that I really wouldn\'t have taken the shot......\"I\'m the first person everyone complains about because I DIDN\'T take the shot.\"

Anyways, hope I at least conviced someone to consider not taking a borderline shot next year. GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you sure you were playing devils advocate? Or did everyone else just happen change your mind ? I wonder how many new bowhunters you could have led astray with your comments.

No Russel Wilson shots for me!
\"Russel Reed\" said:
Are you sure you were playing devils advocate? Or did everyone else just happen change your mind ? I wonder how many new bowhunters you could have led astray with your comments.

Your post remind me of someone from 81625/26
\"Russel Reed\" said:
\"JohnFitzgerald\" said:
The general theme of this thread was \"No I will not take the shot\". Honestly, I\'m one of them.

Does this flavor of thread really have an impact on those who have the shoot at anything ethic? Not a chance in hell! They would have given no second thought on taking this shot. But now, maybe just maybe others will question their reasons to shoot . If I have to play devils advacate to bring these reasons to the surface, then so be it. I got my big boy pants on today! :agg: :D

I did not announce that I was playing devils advacate because I want the first string team on the field! :)

I\'m supprised nobody got my hint that I really wouldn\'t have taken the shot......\"I\'m the first person everyone complains about because I DIDN\'T take the shot.\"

Anyways, hope I at least conviced someone to consider not taking a borderline shot next year. GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you sure you were playing devils advocate? Or did everyone else just happen change your mind ? I wonder how many new bowhunters you could have led astray with your comments.

No Russel Wilson shots for me!

I guess Iccy\'s hint didn\'t sink in so hopefully Brads will!

Probably the same amount you lead astray by your comment of spraying urine head to toe. We\'re you joking or were you serious? Pretty sad if someone stops reading the thread after my post!
Here is the issue as I see it. There are quite a few hunters that would release an arrow in the direction of that bull. It would not matter if it was the first morning or the last evening. A few hunters could make a sure kill shot every time, through one of a couple holes between the branches. The others would just hope to hit something vital. If John can hit the open hole properly, go for it. If you the hunter can reliably hit the little holes between the branches and kill the bull, I have no problem with you shooting. I could not do it reliably enough to try. I would need to wait.
The question was if I would shoot, wait or pass.
The question was not if I would be your friend if you shot the bull as he stands. The question was not if I am obligated to tell you, what you should do. If the question was, if I would tell you what to do, I would probably pass, unless you were a new hunter, or you asked. If I know you shoot at everything, then pray, I would like the opportunity to move quick as the bull is looking my way. The sad thing is that most of the greedy jerks that take risky shots, can\'t be talked out of taking the chance. I just hope threads like these help those that want to learn, so they can be more effective and avoid the heartache of seeing a wounded animal escape. The jerks don\'t care, so these threads are meaningless to them.
In my way of thinking John has done a great thing, by focusing more thought on this situation than a dozen similar threads would have if he had just said \"pass\". This has been a much greater teaching opportunity.
\"Russel Reed\" said:
At least I admitted my post was humor!
And I admitted my posts were playing DA so we are even again. ;)

Thanks Swede. That was my only true intention. Just want this thread to stand out instead of going to the bottom. Even if it means every gets mad at John f.

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