Dry year....


New member
Apr 30, 2014
So far it\'s gearing up to be a VERY dry year up in the NM mountains.

What\'s nice is the fact we had record rain fall this last year and a decent winter.
Everything is already plush and green, plus the elk look as healthy as ever....however....
it\'s REALLY starting to dry up and hover around the 90s mid day.
Water will be KEY this early season!!!!!

How is everyone else\'s area looking? Wet? Dry?

I\'m just praying for no fires!!!!!!
In southern WY, we\'ve had a very wet spring and early summer. I think it\'s about to change, though, and there\'s no rain in the forecast and the weather is turning hot -- in the low 80s which is pretty hot for June here. But for now, things are green everywhere, and there\'s still a ton of snow to melt.

I have a couple water sources that I want to put a stand on if it turns out dry. (I\'m hunting first week mainly). But I\'m not yet so sure they will be as \"hot\" as I\'m hoping. It can all change quickly.
The areas I\'ve been scouting online which I thought were going to be super wet actually turned out to be quite dry on my first scouting trip. I\'m sure this can change between now and season but it has certainly caused me to start looking at water sources more in depth. As my scouting progress I will be able to hopefully give a more thorough explanation of my game plan!
Last years uber rain fall really shook up all of my areas.
Lots of new wallows, pockets of water, etc.

All of NM was talking about how bulls split and cowed up earlier than usual, less chasing and bugling, etc.

I\'m hoping this year will be just a \"normal year\". Not too much rain, not too little.
Enough to keep the fires away, but not too much where they break away from the normal waterholes.

Ryan, it is crazy because I\'m only an hour or less from the CO border.

John, have you hunted early season before?
I bet (and hope) those water holes will pay off really well if water is spread out!

Anthony, what do you look for online that indicates wet areas? Or are you just looking for stuff like tanks and potential wallows.
Honestly I\'ve been keeping it relatively simple and moving the slider scale on google earth as close to September as I can get and looking for \"green\". In an area full of dark timber, green sticks out like a sore thumb and there really isn\'t all that much of it. Except of course down low where all the roads, camp sites and rivers are.

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Looks like fires are already fueling up out there.

Gonna be a interesting season in some of the states at this rate
\"Don K\" said:
Looks like fires are already fueling up out there.

Gonna be a interesting season in some of the states at this rate

I\'m so worried about fires right now... we need rain....