Elk elevations


New member
Jun 22, 2014
Need some outside advice, all the locals say our elk herd is nestled into the 9500ft to 10,500ft range. All summer when ever I go scout I'm finding signs of the herd being down around 8000ft. By signs I mean tracks and heavy used run ways, we were up there today all day from sun up to sun down same story but I've yet to see a elk all summer. I know they are there but need some outside pointers, should I loom higher? Every time I get above 9200ft it turns to heavy rock fields and little vegetation.
if you have fresh sign forsure your in the right spot just keep looking and glassing if the timber isnt at 9 and 10 then the elk wont be they will be in the timber

I agree, hunt where you are seeing sign regardless of the elevation. One of the spots I hunt is 10,500 feet, but there is timber there for them to bed in. Elk are where you find them regardless of the altitude.
Agree with all.  I've had most of my luck over the years between 8 and 9,000.  The only reason I know that is cuz my hunting buddy keeps tabs.  I could care less the elevation!

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