Elk Hunting Forum - Call him, or go to him?

\">>>---WW---->\" said:
LOL! I love it Swede. Would I be able to guess who your favorite targets are? OK, who wins the tie breaker, Me or Brad

To be fair it would have to be Brad. You sir have a habit of foiling almost all of my attempts to get you stirred up. I will PM you to let you in on what I am referring to in case you are not aware. Anyway, it would be my honor to meet and shake your hand sir. Hopefully we will meet sometime.

Tic: What do you mean \"Don\'t drag me into it!\" You my friend are an instigator. You are in. :eh:
\"cnelk\" said:
300yds is a loooooong way

Here would be my POA (Plan Of Attack)

Since the bugle was not prompted by you, I would send out a loud hyper hot cow call.
Be ready to pinpoint direction and location if he answers.
A regular volume cow call may not be heard at that distance.

If he answers, I\'m on my way right at him. Not another sound until I see a good, closer place to setup.

If he doesn\'t answer, I\'m on my way right at him. You know there is at least one vocal elk over there. I\'m going over there to go \'play\'
this was my first thought. almost word for word. except the hyper hot cow call. didn\'t have that run through my head :D
First off I\'m not waiting 10 minutes. I want to immediately cut the distance in half. I can be listening while moving. If I don\'t hear anything then a couple sweet sounds from the temptress or fightin cow with my eyes peeled, my ears open and my nose smelling in case he comes in silent. At this point it\'s the bulls move and I can adjust accordingly. Ultimately even though cutting the distance in half is good I may push further and try to get within 75 yards if terrain allows before calling.