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Russ, the procedure is no problem at all. Afterward I just got up and went to breakfast. It turned out I had two small polyps that were benign. I am good to go again. My understanding is that colon cancer will not be slowing my hunting down, at least for a long time to come.
Swede, I think they should make one serious adjustment to the information they send home with you. IN BIG BOLD LETTERS: DO NOT COOK UP RIBS AND HAVE LEFTOVERS ON THE DAY OF YOUR LOW RESIDUAL DIET!!

I go to the fridge for more clear liquids(tea/water) and see/smell those damn ribs and I\'m starving!! A can of chicken broth just doesn\'t fuel my body and can\'t even have a friggin\' cracker with it!! LOL!

I know it\'s a small inconvenience and I\'ll do it again when the doc says I should. Just wish I could tell if it\'s a fart, a shart or ....well, you know.
i am still a couple of years away. this sounds brutal.

i hate \"emergency\" level toilet runs. (<--pun!). when the day arrives, i hope i\'m in a house with two bathrooms. i am locking myself in.

my friend took an ice chest with some healthy food. a nice sandwich and stuff. he ate it in the parking lot afterwards. so he says. haha.

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