Extreme Elk merges with Elk Hunter Mag?

I have been wondering how this affects subscriptions to Extreme Elk, I just renewed in June at a FDFT event here in Washington.  I hope they are able to work things together as I preferred the articles and set up in EE.  Also I hope they keep the Elk Chuckles section around, some of those were worth the price by themselves.
I hope it turns out well for the SUBSCRIBERS - for whom without the advertisement revenue goes away.

I'm sorta looking around for an elk hunting magazine. I got a subscription (which runs out soon) to I think Elk Hunter, but am not really impressed. It has more an emphasis on bowhunting for elk which I'm not interested in.

northwesthunter84 said:
I hope they keep the Elk Chuckles section around, some of those were worth the price by themselves.


I often open to the last page first. I think the quality of Elk Hunter will increase with the merger. I'll still subscribe to Elk Hunter. I don't have a lot of extra time to read magazines so it's kinda nice that what was 2 in my mailbox will now be 1.
I guess we are in the wait in see mode. I have really enjoyed the magazine and have been a subscriber since day one. I hope they don't change to much, I have gotten more out of the Extreme Elk magazines then any other magazine on the market these days. 
Got my last issue of Extreme Elk today along with the Fall issue of Elk Hunter. Love both of them, guess I'm just gonna have to read slower.