Fall turkey

I wouldn\'t quite call it hunting, but yea I usually have a tag. I just shoot a turkey if one gets in the way while I\'m deer/elk huntn. I know some guys that like to hunt them in the fall and they scatter the flock and then call em back in. I just don\'t have the drive to hunt a bird when I could be huntn elk/deer/bear
I\'m doing the same thing, Will.
I\'ll have a fall tag in my pocket, but I won\'t seek them out.
If one crosses path though.........

I\'m still antsy to put one down this fall.

I have found a bunch and was fully drawn on some giant toms....
They were just surround by suicide hens and I didn\'t wanna hit one of them. :crazy:
I\'m going to go and hunt for them next week for a few days since my deer hunt is done for the year. I\'ll try and hunt some food and travel routes and see if I can arrow one. If that don\'t work I\'ll pull out the 10 gauge and go bust some flocks up and try and call one back.
if i can get my flakey friend to commit, i should be on some big Winery grapefields.

picture this: acres and acres of grapes. in the middle are a few HUGE oak trees. this is the only place they roost. i will camp out underneath with bow and pellet rifle.

if not, i am gonna spot stalk them on a friend\'s property. very hit or miss. birds move like a migratory herd there.
I stopped and tried to buy a permit for my hunt last week when I was headed out. Our fall turkey permits here are only 5 dollars and thought I would have one in my pocket for the week when I was sitting in my stand. Problem was the lady behind the counter was lost and the guy in front of me was there for 10 minutes and still didn\'t have his pheasant license. So I walk out and decide I will just pick one up when I get down by my friends farm. The small town didn\'t have anyone that sold hunting permits so I said the heck with it .

As the week went on I heard turkeys but never saw any so I was thinking I didn\'t miss out on a thing.

This was until the last two days of my hunt!!!

The last morning and evening I was covered in iurkeys. Had two flocks of over 15 birds come walk right in with Toms strutting around each other all within 15 yards of my stand. The last eve they actually roosted in the tree right next to me.

I shot all the birds.... with my camera

So, my next trip down I will have the 5 dollar permit


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That\'s how it always seems to go Dan. Hopefully they\'ll stick around until you get back down there.
Don..that is the brutal lesson of life that i have a difficult time swallowing :) ouchie!!

me? hoping to go out tomorrow. air-gun only. waiting for my buddy to text me if he got written permission or not.

if not, i might make the 3 hour pilgrimage to my buddy\'s dad spot. more spotty as far as turkey population. they are always there when i am unarmed..or armed with a weedwacker. (please reference \"brutal life lesson\" above)
i went.

there were HUNDEREDS of them!! not a single bird wanted a thing to do with us. my friend sent a pellet at a spot and stalk bird. awesome approach, but he missed. when we were packing up he shot the loaded pellet at a starbucks cup we sat on a stump. he missed at 30 yards..duh!! he sucks.

(you cant unchamber a pellet rifle, you have to shoot it into the ground)

i did have a HUGE tom 20 yards from me when we drove in with the truck. it felt \"dirty\" to plunk him from the window. i passed. he passed.

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