Favorite Archery Elk Hunting shows

Big Tex

New member
Jan 8, 2013
So I've been traveling way too much the last six months and now that I have some time to refocus there's no better way to get motivated for the elk season than by watching elk hunting shows, however, either some of my past favorites aren't airing any longer or my DVR has bumped them off.  I'm still getting the following:

Western Extreme
Western Hunter
Team Elk

What's still on that I'm missing?
i watch meat eater not for the elk but for the way he hunts and how its not about the kill but the hunt
I see that Uncommon Ground is scheduled to come back on in July.  Enjoyed that series last year. 

Is Randy Newberg's show still on somewhere?
Rich Z said:
Uncommon Ground was/is probably my favroite

I've heard rumor that this is the last season for Uncommon Ground and that they won't be doing a TV show for 2015.

Hunting TV shows are set up to be less than stellar from the get go by the way that the channels themselves have set up shop. They have no risk at all because the shows pay to be in a particular time slot and then it's left to the shows to go out and sell advertising in order to hopefully recoup the cost of the show and time slot. The TV channel has little to no risk and less skin in the game, IMHO.  It's a pay to play world for the hunting TV opportunists and that's why there are so many sub-par shows rather than shows that hold their merit on content and story like what you see on Discovery, History or other channels.
when i was a boy i saw Roland martin and Bill dance fishing on tv and thought man id love to have a outdoor hunting show! soon saw Jacky bushman and Bill jordan  and thought thats what i want to do! as the outdoor tv devloped and expanded i decided nope that wasnt my cup of tea not how i hunt. and not what i like to watch. i very rarely watch outdoor tv anymore unless they hunt like i do i dont care to watch give me a guy with a tent and back pack out there trying to put meat on the table ill be entertained otherwise im out!

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